commit method

Future<AlgoliaTask> commit()


Commits all of the writes in this write batch as a single atomic unit.

Calling this method prevents any future operations from being added.


Future<AlgoliaTask> commit() async {
  if (!_committed) {
    if (_actions.isNotEmpty) {
      _committed = true;

      var actions = => a.toMap()).toList();

      var response = await algolia._apiCall(,
        data: {'requests': actions},

      Map<String, dynamic> body = json.decode(response.body);

      if (!(response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300)) {
        throw AlgoliaError._(body, response.statusCode);
      return AlgoliaTask._(algolia, _index, body);
    } else {
      throw StateError('This batch has no actions to commit.');
  } else {
    throw StateError('This batch has already been committed.');