doRun method

  1. @override
Future<int> doRun()


Future<int> doRun() async {
  final args = argResults!;

  final isDemo = args.getBool(_argDemo);
  var issueId = args.getInt(_argIssue);
  final changelog = args.getString(_argChangelog);

  final console = this.console;
  final gitConfig = config.git;

  FileSystem fs;
  GitCommands git;
  if (!isDemo) {
    fs = const IOFileSystem();
    git = GitCommands(GitClient(isVerbose: isVerbose), gitConfig);
  } else {
    printInfo("Demonstration mode");
    fs = DemoFileSystem();
    git = GitCommands(DemoGit(), gitConfig);

  printVerbose('Check if this is a project directory');
  final pubspecExists = await Spec.exists(fs);
  if (!pubspecExists) {
    return error(1,
        message: 'You should run command from project root directory.');

  final prevBranch = git.getCurrentBranch();
  printVerbose('Current branch: $prevBranch');
  printVerbose('Pull develop and check status');

  final branches = await _getFeatureBranches(git);

  if (issueId == null) {
    printInfo('You should specified issue id to finish feature.');
    printInfo('Current feature branches:');
    branches.forEach((b) => printInfo('- ${}'));

    printInfo('Enter issue id:');

    do {
      final issueIdStr = console.readLineSync();

      if (issueIdStr != null && issueIdStr.isNotEmpty) {
        issueId = int.tryParse(issueIdStr);
      // ignore: invariant_booleans
    } while (issueId == null);

  final branch = await _getBranch(branches, issueId);
  if (branch == null) {
    return error(1, message: "Can't find branch for issue #$issueId");

  printInfo('Finish feature $branch');

  // priority - remote if exist
  final branchName = (branch.remoteName ?? branch.localName)!;

  // TODO: Merge develop in remote feature branch if conflict

  printVerbose('Merge feature branch in develop');
  git.gitflowFeatureFinish(branchName, deleteBranch: false);

  printVerbose('Add entry in changelog');
  final changed = await _updateChangelog(console, fs, issueId, changelog);

  if (changed) {
    printVerbose('Commit changelog');
    git.commit("Changelog: issue #$issueId.\n\nBy alex.");

  printVerbose('Push develop');
  final branchDevelop = git.branchDevelop;

  if (branchName == branch.remoteName && branch.localName != null) {
    final localName = branch.localName!;
    printVerbose('Check local feature branch $localName');

    final localCommit = git.getCurrentCommit(localName);
    final commonCommit = git.getLastCommonCommit(localName, branchName);

    if (localCommit == commonCommit) {
      printVerbose('Remove local feature branch');
    } else {
      printVerbose('Local branch different from remote. '
          'Do not delete $localName');

  printVerbose('Remove feature branch');

  printVerbose('Merge develop in ${git.branchTest}');

  // TODO: handle merge conflicts

  if (prevBranch != branchDevelop && prevBranch != branch.localName) {
    printVerbose('Return to the branch $prevBranch');

  return success(message: 'Finished 🏁');