SvgPicture.asset constructor
- String assetName, {
- Key? key,
- bool matchTextDirection = false,
- AssetBundle? bundle,
- String? package,
- double? width,
- double? height,
- BoxFit fit = BoxFit.contain,
- AlignmentGeometry alignment =,
- bool allowDrawingOutsideViewBox = false,
- WidgetBuilder? placeholderBuilder,
- String? semanticsLabel,
- bool excludeFromSemantics = false,
- Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
- SvgErrorWidgetBuilder? errorBuilder,
- SvgTheme? theme,
- ColorFilter? colorFilter,
- @Deprecated('Use colorFilter instead.') Color? color,
- @Deprecated('Use colorFilter instead.') BlendMode colorBlendMode = ui.BlendMode.srcIn,
- @Deprecated('This no longer does anything.') bool cacheColorFilter = false,
Instantiates a widget that renders an SVG picture from an AssetBundle.
The key will be derived from the assetName
, package
, and bundle
arguments. The package
argument must be non-null when displaying an SVG
from a package and null otherwise. See the Assets in packages
section for
Either the width
and height
arguments should be specified, or the
widget should be placed in a context that sets tight layout constraints.
Otherwise, the image dimensions will change as the image is loaded, which
will result in ugly layout changes.
If matchTextDirection
is set to true, the picture will be flipped
horizontally in TextDirection.rtl contexts.
The allowDrawingOutsideOfViewBox
parameter should be used with caution -
if set to true, it will not clip the canvas used internally to the view box,
meaning the picture may draw beyond the intended area and lead to undefined
behavior or additional memory overhead.
A custom placeholderBuilder
can be specified for cases where decoding or
acquiring data may take a noticeably long time.
The color
and colorBlendMode
arguments, if specified, will be used to set a
ColorFilter on any Paints created for this drawing.
The theme
argument, if provided, will override the default theme
used when parsing SVG elements.
Assets in packages
To create the widget with an asset from a package, the package
must be provided. For instance, suppose a package called my_icons
Then to display the image, use:
SvgPicture.asset('icons/heart.svg', package: 'my_icons')
Assets used by the package itself should also be displayed using the
argument as above.
If the desired asset is specified in the pubspec.yaml
of the package, it
is bundled automatically with the app. In particular, assets used by the
package itself must be specified in its pubspec.yaml
A package can also choose to have assets in its 'lib/' folder that are not
specified in its pubspec.yaml
. In this case for those images to be
bundled, the app has to specify which ones to include. For instance a
package named fancy_backgrounds
could have:
To include, say the first image, the pubspec.yaml
of the app should
specify it in the assets section:
- packages/fancy_backgrounds/backgrounds/background1.svg
The lib/
is implied, so it should not be included in the asset path.
See also:
-, an introduction to assets in Flutter.
If excludeFromSemantics
is true, then semanticsLabel
will be ignored.
String assetName, {
this.matchTextDirection = false,
AssetBundle? bundle,
String? package,
this.height, = BoxFit.contain,
this.alignment =,
this.allowDrawingOutsideViewBox = false,
this.excludeFromSemantics = false,
this.clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
SvgTheme? theme,
ui.ColorFilter? colorFilter,
@Deprecated('Use colorFilter instead.') ui.Color? color,
@Deprecated('Use colorFilter instead.')
ui.BlendMode colorBlendMode = ui.BlendMode.srcIn,
@Deprecated('This no longer does anything.') bool cacheColorFilter = false,
}) : bytesLoader = SvgAssetLoader(
packageName: package,
assetBundle: bundle,
theme: theme,
colorFilter = colorFilter ?? _getColorFilter(color, colorBlendMode);