toAlbiruniFormat method
Transfrom given string to albiruni parseable format.
Example: ppbm1331
will return PPBM 1331
String toAlbiruniFormat() {
var x = toUpperCase().replaceAll(" ", "");
// Processing logic is the same with the original site that were written in JS
var spacepos = x.indexOf(RegExp(r'[0-9]'));
/// `CCDN1352E` will be as it is,
/// meanwhile `TQB1001M` will be seperated.
/// (It's their convention btw)
if (x.length < 9) {
x = x.substring(0, (spacepos == -1 ? x.length : spacepos)) +
(spacepos == -1 ? "" : " ") +
(spacepos == -1 ? "" : x.substring(spacepos));
return x;