assetAudioPath property

String assetAudioPath

Path to audio asset to be used as the alarm ringtone. Accepted formats:

  • Project asset: Specifies an asset bundled with your Flutter project. Use this format for assets that are included in your project's pubspec.yaml file. Example: assets/audio.mp3.
  • Absolute file path: Specifies a direct file system path to the audio file. This format is used for audio files stored outside the Flutter project, such as files saved in the device's internal or external storage. Example: /path/to/your/audio.mp3.
  • Relative file path: Specifies a file path relative to a predefined base directory in the app's internal storage. This format is convenient for referring to files that are stored within a specific directory of your app's internal storage without needing to specify the full path. Example: Audios/audio.mp3.

If you want to use aboslute or relative file path, you must request android storage permission and add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml: android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE


final String assetAudioPath;