models/analytic/aiuta_analytic_event library
- AiutaAnalyticEvent
- Base class for all analytic events.
- AiutaAnalyticExitEvent
- This event is sent when a user exits the SDK. This includes pressing the back/close button, closing the bottom sheet with the SDK, etc.
- AiutaAnalyticOnboardingEvent
- This event is sent when a user interacts with an onboarding screens.
- AiutaAnalyticPageEvent
- Event that represents a page view. This event is sent when a user navigates to a new page.
- AiutaAnalyticsFeedbackEvent
- This event is sent when a user provides feedback for generated images.
- AiutaAnalyticsHistoryEvent
- This event is sent when a user interacts with the try-on history screen.
- AiutaAnalyticsPickerEvent
- This event is sent when a user interacts with the picker. This includes selecting an uploaded image, taking a photo, choosing gallery image, etc.
- AiutaAnalyticsResultsEvent
- This event is sent when a user interacts with the results screen.
- AiutaAnalyticsTryOnEvent
- This event is sent when a user is waiting for the try-on to be processed.