CustomLanguage class
Custom language configuration. This configuration allows you to provide custom localization. You should provide all the necessary strings for the Aiuta SDK.
- Inheritance
- Object
- AiutaLanguage
- CustomLanguage
- Annotations
- @JsonSerializable()
CustomLanguage({required String appBarVirtualTryOn, required String appBarHistory, required String appBarSelect, required String preOnboardingTitle, required String preOnboardingSubtitle, required String preOnboardingButton, required String onboardingButtonNext, required String onboardingButtonStart, required String onboardingPageTryonTopic, required String onboardingPageTryonSubtopic, required String onboardingPageBestResultTopic, required String onboardingPageBestResultSubtopic, required String onboardingPageConsentTopic, required String onboardingPageConsentBody, required String onboardingPageConsentAgreePoint, required String onboardingAppbarTryonPage, required String onboardingAppbarBestResultPage, required String onboardingAppbarConsentPage, required String imageSelectorUploadButton, required String imageSelectorChangeButton, required String imageSelectorPoweredByAiuta, required String imageSelectorProtectionPoint, required String loadingUploadingImage, required String loadingScanningBody, required String loadingGeneratingOutfit, required String historySelectorDisabledButton, required String historySelectorEnableButtonSelectAll, required String historySelectorEnableButtonUnselectAll, required String historySelectorEnableButtonCancel, required String generationResultMoreTitle, required String generationResultMoreSubtitle, required String pickerSheetTakePhoto, required String pickerSheetChooseLibrary, required String uploadsHistorySheetPreviously, required String uploadsHistorySheetUploadNewButton, required String feedbackSheetSkip, required String feedbackSheetSend, required String feedbackSheetSendFeedback, required String feedbackSheetTitle, required List<
String> feedbackSheetOptions, required String feedbackSheetExtraOption, required String feedbackSheetExtraOptionTitle, required String feedbackSheetGratitude, required String fitDisclaimerTitle, required String fitDisclaimerBody, required String dialogCameraPermissionTitle, required String dialogCameraPermissionDescription, required String dialogCameraPermissionConfirmButton, required String addToWish, required String addToCart, required String cancel, required String close, required String tryOn, required String tryAgain, required String defaultErrorMessage}) - Creates a custom language configuration with the given parameters.
String, dynamic> json) -
Creates a custom language configuration from the given JSON map.
- addToCart → String
Add to cart
final - addToWish → String
final - appBarHistory → String
final - appBarSelect → String
final - appBarVirtualTryOn → String
Virtual Try-on
final - cancel → String
final - close → String
final - defaultErrorMessage → String
Something went wrong. Please try again later
final - dialogCameraPermissionConfirmButton → String
final - dialogCameraPermissionDescription → String
Please allow access to the camera in the application settings
final - dialogCameraPermissionTitle → String
Camera permission
final - feedbackSheetExtraOption → String
final - feedbackSheetExtraOptionTitle → String
Tell us what we could improve?
final - feedbackSheetGratitude → String
Thank you for your feedback
final -
→ List<
String> -
This style isn’t for me The item looks off I look different
final - feedbackSheetSend → String
final - feedbackSheetSendFeedback → String
Send feedback
final - feedbackSheetSkip → String
final - feedbackSheetTitle → String
Can you tell us more?
final - fitDisclaimerBody → String
Virtual try-on is a visualization tool that shows how items might look and may not perfectly represent how the item will fit in reality
final - fitDisclaimerTitle → String
Results may vary from real-life fit
final - generationResultMoreSubtitle → String
More for you to try on
final - generationResultMoreTitle → String
You might also like
final - hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- historySelectorDisabledButton → String
final - historySelectorEnableButtonCancel → String
final - historySelectorEnableButtonSelectAll → String
Select all
final - historySelectorEnableButtonUnselectAll → String
Unselect all
final - imageSelectorChangeButton → String
Change photo
final - imageSelectorPoweredByAiuta → String
Powered by Aiuta
final - imageSelectorProtectionPoint → String
Your photos are protected and visible only to you
final - imageSelectorUploadButton → String
Upload a photo of you
final - loadingGeneratingOutfit → String
Generating outfit
final - loadingScanningBody → String
Scanning your body
final - loadingUploadingImage → String
Uploading image
final - mode ↔ AiutaLanguageMode
Mode of the language configuration.
getter/setter pairinherited
- onboardingAppbarBestResultPage → String
<b>Step 2/3</b> - For best result
final - onboardingAppbarConsentPage → String
<b>Step 3/3</b> - Consent
final - onboardingAppbarTryonPage → String
<b>Step 1/3</b> - How it works
final - onboardingButtonNext → String
final - onboardingButtonStart → String
final - onboardingPageBestResultSubtopic → String
Use a photo with good lighting, stand straight a plain background
final - onboardingPageBestResultTopic → String
For best results
final - onboardingPageConsentAgreePoint → String
I agree to allow YOUR_COMPANY to process my photo
final - onboardingPageConsentBody → String
In order to try on items digitally, you agree to allow YOUR_COMPANY to process your photo. Your data will be processed according to the YOUR_COMPANY <b><a href='PP_URL'>Privacy Notice</a></b> and <b><a href='TOS_URL'>Terms of Use.</a></b>
final - onboardingPageConsentTopic → String
final - onboardingPageTryonSubtopic → String
Upload a photo and see how items look on you
final - onboardingPageTryonTopic → String
Try on before buying
final - pickerSheetChooseLibrary → String
Choose from library
final - pickerSheetTakePhoto → String
Take a photo
final - preOnboardingButton → String
Let’s start
final - preOnboardingSubtitle → String
Welcome to our Virtual try-on. Try on the item directly on your photo
final - preOnboardingTitle → String
Try on you
final - runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
final - tryAgain → String
Try again
final - tryOn → String
Try on
final - uploadsHistorySheetPreviously → String
Previously used photos
final - uploadsHistorySheetUploadNewButton → String
+ Upload new photo
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
Converts this object to a JSON map.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.