Airship class

The Main Airship API.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

activeNotifications Future<List<Notification>>
Gets all the active notifications for the application.
no setter
channelId Future<String?>
Gets the channel ID.
no setter
getInAppAutomationPaused Future<void>
Checks if in-app automation is paused or not.
no setter
inboxMessages Future<List<InboxMessage>>
Gets the current inbox messages.
no setter
namedUser Future<String?>
Gets the named user.
no setter
onChannelRegistration Stream<ChannelEvent>
Gets channel registration event stream.
no setter
Gets deep link event stream.
no setter
onInboxUpdated Stream<void>?
Gets inbox updated event stream.
no setter
onNotificationResponse Stream<NotificationResponseEvent>
Gets notification response event stream.
no setter
onPushReceived Stream<PushReceivedEvent>
Gets push received event stream.
no setter
onShowInbox Stream<void>?
Gets show inbox event stream.
no setter
onShowInboxMessage Stream<String?>
Gets show inbox message event stream.
no setter
onShowPreferenceCenter Stream<String?>
Gets show preference center event stream.
no setter
tags Future<List<String>>
Gets the channel tags.
no setter
userNotificationsEnabled Future<bool?>
Tells if user notifications are enabled or not.
no setter

Static Methods

addEvent(CustomEvent event) Future<void>
Adds a custom event.
addTags(List<String> tags) Future<void>
Adds channel tags.
clearNotification(String notification) Future<void>
Clears a specific notification.
clearNotifications() Future<void>
Clears all notifications for the application.
deleteInboxMessage(InboxMessage message) Future<void>
Deletes an inbox message.
disableFeatures(List<String> features) Future<void>
Disables one or many features.
editAttributes() AttributeEditor
Creates an AttributeEditor to modify the channel attributes.
editChannelAttributes() AttributeEditor
Creates an AttributeEditor to modify the channel attributes.
editChannelSubscriptionLists() SubscriptionListEditor
Creates a SubscriptionListEditor to modify the subscription lists associated with the current channel.
editChannelTagGroups() TagGroupEditor
Creates a TagGroupEditor to modify the channel tag groups.
editContactSubscriptionLists() ScopedSubscriptionListEditor
Creates a ScopedSubscriptionListEditor to modify the subscription lists associated with the current contact.
editNamedUserAttributes() AttributeEditor
Creates an AttributeEditor to modify the named user attributes.
editNamedUserTagGroups() TagGroupEditor
Creates a TagGroupEditor to modify the named user tag groups.
enableChannelCreation() Future<void>
Enables channel creation.
enableFeatures(List<String> features) Future<void>
Enables one or many features.
getEnabledFeatures() Future<List<String>>
Returns a List with the enabled features.
getPreferenceCenterConfig(String preferenceCenterID) Future<PreferenceCenterConfig?>
Returns the configuration of the Preference Center with the given preferenceCenterID.
getSubscriptionLists(List<String> subscriptionListTypes) Future<SubscriptionList>
Gets the subscription lists.
isAutoBadgeEnabled() Future<bool>
Checks if auto-badging is enabled on iOS. Badging is not supported for Android.
isFeatureEnabled(String feature) Future<bool>
Checks if a given feature is enabled or not.
markInboxMessageRead(InboxMessage message) Future<void>
Marks an inbox message as read.
openPreferenceCenter(String preferenceCenterID) Future<void>
Opens the Preference Center with the given preferenceCenterID.
refreshInbox() Future<bool?>
Forces the inbox to refresh.
removeTags(List<String> tags) Future<void>
Removes channel tags.
resetBadge() Future<void>
Clears the badge on iOS. Badging is not supported for Android.
setAutoBadgeEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables auto-badging on iOS. Badging is not supported for Android.
setAutoLaunchDefaultPreferenceCenter(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables auto launch Preference Center
setBackgroundMessageHandler(BackgroundMessageHandler handler) Future<void>
Sets a background message handler.
setBadge(int badge) Future<void>
Sets the badge number on iOS. Badging is not supported for Android.
setEnabledFeatures(List<String> features) Future<void>
Sets the SDK features that will be enabled. The rest of the features will be disabled.
setInAppAutomationPaused(bool paused) Future<void>
Pauses or unpauses in-app automation.
setNamedUser(String? namedUser) Future<void>
Sets the named user.
setUserNotificationsEnabled(bool enabled) Future<bool?>
Enables or disables the user notifications.
takeOff(String appKey, String appSecret) Future<bool>
Initializes Airship with an appKey and appSecret.
trackScreen(String screen) Future<void>
Initiates screen tracking for a specific app screen. Must be called once per tracked screen.