enableEncryptionEx abstract method

Future<void> enableEncryptionEx({
  1. required RtcConnection connection,
  2. required bool enabled,
  3. required EncryptionConfig config,

Enables or disables the built-in encryption.

All users in the same channel must use the same encryption mode and encryption key. After the user leaves the channel, the SDK automatically disables the built-in encryption. To enable the built-in encryption, call this method before the user joins the channel again. In scenarios requiring high security, Agora recommends calling this method to enable the built-in encryption before joining a channel.

  • connection The connection information. See RtcConnection.
  • enabled Whether to enable built-in encryption: true : Enable the built-in encryption. false : (Default) Disable the built-in encryption.
  • config Built-in encryption configurations. See EncryptionConfig.

Returns When the method call succeeds, there is no return value; when fails, the AgoraRtcException exception is thrown. You need to catch the exception and handle it accordingly.


Future<void> enableEncryptionEx(
    {required RtcConnection connection,
    required bool enabled,
    required EncryptionConfig config});