adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolumeEx abstract method

Future<void> adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolumeEx({
  1. required int uid,
  2. required int volume,
  3. required RtcConnection connection,

Adjusts the playback signal volume of a specified remote user.

You can call this method to adjust the playback volume of a specified remote user. To adjust the playback volume of different remote users, call the method as many times, once for each remote user. Call this method after joining a channel. The playback volume here refers to the mixed volume of a specified remote user.

  • uid The user ID of the remote user.
  • volume The volume of the user. The value range is 0,400. 0: Mute. 100: (Default) The original volume. 400: Four times the original volume (amplifying the audio signals by four times).
  • connection The connection information. See RtcConnection.

Returns When the method call succeeds, there is no return value; when fails, the AgoraRtcException exception is thrown. You need to catch the exception and handle it accordingly.


Future<void> adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolumeEx(
    {required int uid,
    required int volume,
    required RtcConnection connection});