setVoiceConversionPreset abstract method

Future<void> setVoiceConversionPreset(
  1. VoiceConversionPreset preset

Sets a preset voice beautifier effect.

Call this method to set a preset voice beautifier effect for the local user who sends an audio stream. After setting an audio effect, all users in the channel can hear the effect. You can set different voice beautifier effects for different scenarios. To achieve better audio effect quality, Agora recommends that you call setAudioProfile and set the profile to audioProfileMusicHighQuality (4) or audioProfileMusicHighQualityStereo (5) and scenario to audioScenarioGameStreaming (3) before calling this method. You can call this method either before or after joining a channel. Do not set the profile parameter in setAudioProfile to audioProfileSpeechStandard (1) or audioProfileIot (6), or the method does not take effect. This method has the best effect on human voice processing, and Agora does not recommend calling this method to process audio data containing music. After calling setVoiceConversionPreset, Agora does not recommend you to call the following methods, otherwise the effect set by setVoiceConversionPreset will be overwritten: setAudioEffectPreset setAudioEffectParameters setVoiceBeautifierPreset setVoiceBeautifierParameters setLocalVoicePitch setLocalVoiceFormant setLocalVoiceEqualization setLocalVoiceReverb This method relies on the voice beautifier dynamic library libagora_audio_beauty_extension.dll. If the dynamic library is deleted, the function cannot be enabled normally.

  • preset The options for the preset voice beautifier effects: VoiceConversionPreset.

Returns When the method call succeeds, there is no return value; when fails, the AgoraRtcException exception is thrown. You need to catch the exception and handle it accordingly. < 0: Failure.


Future<void> setVoiceConversionPreset(VoiceConversionPreset preset);