setCameraCapturerConfiguration abstract method

Future<void> setCameraCapturerConfiguration(
  1. CameraCapturerConfiguration config

Sets the camera capture configuration.

This method is for Android and iOS only. Call this method before enabling local camera capture, such as before calling startPreview and joinChannel. To adjust the camera focal length configuration, It is recommended to call queryCameraFocalLengthCapability first to check the device's focal length capabilities, and then configure based on the query results. Due to limitations on some Android devices, even if you set the focal length type according to the results returned in queryCameraFocalLengthCapability, the settings may not take effect.

  • config The camera capture configuration. See CameraCapturerConfiguration. In this method, you do not need to set the deviceId parameter.

Returns When the method call succeeds, there is no return value; when fails, the AgoraRtcException exception is thrown. You need to catch the exception and handle it accordingly. < 0: Failure.


Future<void> setCameraCapturerConfiguration(
    CameraCapturerConfiguration config);