release abstract method

Future<void> release({
  1. bool sync = false,

Releases the RtcEngine instance.

This method releases all resources used by the Agora SDK. Use this method for apps in which users occasionally make voice or video calls. When users do not make calls, you can free up resources for other operations. After a successful method call, you can no longer use any method or callback in the SDK anymore. If you want to use the real-time communication functions again, you must call createAgoraRtcEngine and initialize to create a new RtcEngine instance. This method can be called synchronously. You need to wait for the resource of RtcEngine to be released before performing other operations (for example, create a new RtcEngine object). Therefore, Agora recommends calling this method in the child thread to avoid blocking the main thread. Besides, Agora does not recommend you calling release in any callback of the SDK. Otherwise, the SDK cannot release the resources until the callbacks return results, which may result in a deadlock.

  • sync Whether the method is called synchronously: true : Synchronous call. false : Asynchronous call. Currently this method only supports synchronous calls. Do not set this parameter to this value.


Future<void> release({bool sync = false});