registerExtension abstract method

Future<void> registerExtension({
  1. required String provider,
  2. required String extension,
  3. MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.unknownMediaSource,

Registers an extension.

After the extension is loaded, you can call this method to register the extension. Before calling this method, you need to call loadExtensionProvider to load the extension first. For extensions external to the SDK (such as those from Extensions Marketplace and SDK Extensions), you need to call this method before calling setExtensionProperty.

  • provider The name of the extension provider.
  • extension The name of the extension.
  • type Source type of the extension. See MediaSourceType.

Returns When the method call succeeds, there is no return value; when fails, the AgoraRtcException exception is thrown. You need to catch the exception and handle it accordingly.


Future<void> registerExtension(
    {required String provider,
    required String extension,
    MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.unknownMediaSource});