preloadSrc abstract method

Future<void> preloadSrc({
  1. required String src,
  2. required int startPos,

Preloads a media resource.

You can call this method to preload a media resource into the playlist. If you need to preload multiple media resources, you can call this method multiple times. If the preload is successful and you want to play the media resource, call playPreloadedSrc; if you want to clear the playlist, call stop. Agora does not support preloading duplicate media resources to the playlist. However, you can preload the media resources that are being played to the playlist again.

  • src The URL of the media resource.
  • startPos The starting position (ms) for playing after the media resource is preloaded to the playlist. When preloading a live stream, set this parameter to 0.

Returns When the method call succeeds, there is no return value; when fails, the AgoraRtcException exception is thrown. You need to catch the exception and handle it accordingly.


Future<void> preloadSrc({required String src, required int startPos});