playPreloadedSrc abstract method

Future<void> playPreloadedSrc(
  1. String src

Plays preloaded media resources.

After calling the preloadSrc method to preload the media resource into the playlist, you can call this method to play the preloaded media resource. After calling this method, if you receive the onPlayerSourceStateChanged callback which reports the playerStatePlaying state, the playback is successful. If you want to change the preloaded media resource to be played, you can call this method again and specify the URL of the new media resource that you want to preload. If you want to replay the media resource, you need to call preloadSrc to preload the media resource to the playlist again before playing. If you want to clear the playlist, call the stop method. If you call this method when playback is paused, this method does not take effect until playback is resumed.

  • src The URL of the media resource in the playlist must be consistent with the src set by the preloadSrc method; otherwise, the media resource cannot be played.

Returns When the method call succeeds, there is no return value; when fails, the AgoraRtcException exception is thrown. You need to catch the exception and handle it accordingly.


Future<void> playPreloadedSrc(String src);