registerAudioFrameObserver abstract method

void registerAudioFrameObserver(
  1. AudioFrameObserver observer

Registers an audio frame observer object.

Call this method to register an audio frame observer object (register a callback). When you need the SDK to trigger onMixedAudioFrame, onRecordAudioFrame, onPlaybackAudioFrame or onEarMonitoringAudioFrame callback, you need to use this method to register the callbacks. Ensure that you call this method before joining a channel.

  • observer The observer instance. See AudioFrameObserver. Agora recommends calling this method after receiving onLeaveChannel to release the audio observer object.

Returns When the method call succeeds, there is no return value; when fails, the AgoraRtcException exception is thrown. You need to catch the exception and handle it accordingly.


void registerAudioFrameObserver(AudioFrameObserver observer);