agora_rtc_engine library
- AdvancedAudioOptions
- The advanced options for audio.
- AdvanceOptions
- Advanced options for video encoding.
- AgoraRhythmPlayerConfig
- The metronome configuration.
- AgoraVideoView
- The AgoraVideoView Class for rendering local and remote video.
- AudioDeviceInfo
- The AudioDeviceInfo class that contains the ID, name and type of the audio devices.
- AudioDeviceManager
- Audio device management methods.
- AudioEncodedFrameObserver
- The encoded audio observer.
- AudioEncodedFrameObserverConfig
- Observer settings for the encoded audio.
- AudioFrame
- Raw audio data.
- AudioFrameObserver
- The audio frame observer.
- AudioFrameObserverBase
- The audio frame observer.
- AudioParams
- Audio data format.
- AudioPcmFrame
- The parameters of the audio frame in PCM format.
- AudioPcmFrameSink
- This class is used to get raw PCM audio.
- AudioRecordingConfiguration
- Recording configurations.
- AudioSpectrumData
- The audio spectrum data.
- AudioSpectrumObserver
- The audio spectrum observer.
- AudioTrackConfig
- The configuration of custom audio tracks.
- AudioVolumeInfo
- The volume information of users.
- BeautyOptions
- Image enhancement options.
- CacheStatistics
- Statistics about the media files being cached.
- CameraCapturerConfiguration
- The camera capturer preference.
- ChannelMediaInfo
- Channel media information.
- ChannelMediaOptions
- The channel media options.
- ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration
- Configuration of cross channel media relay.
- ClientRoleOptions
- Setting of user role properties.
- CodecCapInfo
- The codec capability of the SDK.
- CodecCapLevels
- The level of the codec capability.
- ColorEnhanceOptions
- The color enhancement options.
- ContentInspectConfig
- Configuration of video screenshot and upload.
- ContentInspectModule
- A ContentInspectModule structure used to configure the frequency of video screenshot and upload.
- DataStreamConfig
- The configurations for the data stream.
- DeviceInfo
- The audio device information.
- DirectCdnStreamingEventHandler
- The DirectCdnStreamingEventHandler interface class is used by the SDK to send event notifications of CDN streaming to your app. Your app can get those notifications through methods that inherit this interface class.
- DirectCdnStreamingMediaOptions
- The media setting options for the host.
- DirectCdnStreamingStats
- The statistics of the current CDN streaming.
- EchoTestConfiguration
- The configuration of the audio and video call loop test.
- EncodedAudioFrameInfo
- Audio information after encoding.
- EncodedVideoFrameInfo
- Information about externally encoded video frames.
- EncryptionConfig
- Built-in encryption configurations.
- ExternalVideoFrame
- The external video frame.
- FaceInfoObserver
- Facial information observer.
- FocalLengthInfo
- Focal length information supported by the camera, including the camera direction and focal length type.
- ImageTrackOptions
- Image configurations.
- LastmileProbeConfig
- Configurations of the last-mile network test.
- LastmileProbeOneWayResult
- Results of the uplink or downlink last-mile network test.
- LastmileProbeResult
- Results of the uplink and downlink last-mile network tests.
- LeaveChannelOptions
- The options for leaving a channel.
- LiveStreamAdvancedFeature
- The configuration for advanced features of the RTMP or RTMPS streaming with transcoding.
- LiveTranscoding
- Transcoding configurations for Media Push.
- LocalAudioStats
- Local audio statistics.
- LocalSpatialAudioEngine
- This class calculates user positions through the SDK to implement the spatial audio effect.
- LocalTranscoderConfiguration
- The configuration of the video mixing on the local client.
- LocalVideoStats
- The statistics of the local video stream.
- LogConfig
- Configuration of Agora SDK log files.
- LowlightEnhanceOptions
- The low-light enhancement options.
- MediaEngine
- The MediaEngine class.
- MediaPlayer
- This class provides media player functions and supports multiple instances.
- MediaPlayerCacheManager
- This class provides methods to manage cached media files.
- MediaPlayerController
- The AgoraVideoView controller used to render the video for the media player.
- MediaPlayerSourceObserver
- Provides callbacks for media players.
- MediaPlayerVideoFrameObserver
- The video frame observer for the media player.
- MediaSource
- Information related to the media file to be played and the playback scenario configurations.
- Metadata
- Media metadata.
- MetadataObserver
- The metadata observer.
- PlayerPlaybackStats
- The information of the media file being played.
- PlayerStreamInfo
- The detailed information of the media stream.
- PlayerUpdatedInfo
- Information related to the media player.
- Rectangle
- The location of the target area relative to the screen or window. If you do not set this parameter, the SDK selects the whole screen or window.
- RemoteAudioStats
- Audio statistics of the remote user.
- RemoteVideoStats
- Statistics of the remote video stream.
- RemoteVoicePositionInfo
- The spatial position of the remote user or the media player.
- RtcConnection
- Contains connection information.
- RtcEngine
- The basic interface of the Agora SDK that implements the core functions of real-time communication.
- RtcEngineContext
- Configurations for the RtcEngineContext instance.
- RtcEngineEventHandler
- The SDK uses the RtcEngineEventHandler interface to send event notifications to your app. Your app can get those notifications through methods that inherit this interface.
- RtcEngineEx
- This interface class contains multi-channel methods.
- RtcImage
- Image properties.
- RtcStats
- Statistics of a call session.
- ScreenAudioParameters
- The audio configuration for the shared screen stream.
- ScreenCaptureConfiguration
- The configuration of the captured screen.
- ScreenCaptureParameters
- Screen sharing configurations.
- ScreenCaptureParameters2
- Screen sharing configurations.
- ScreenCaptureSourceInfo
- The information about the specified shareable window or screen.
- ScreenVideoParameters
- The video configuration for the shared screen stream.
- SDKBuildInfo
- SDK version information.
- SegmentationProperty
- Processing properties for background images.
- SimulcastStreamConfig
- The configuration of the low-quality video stream.
- SpatialAudioParams
- The spatial audio parameters.
- SpatialAudioZone
- Sound insulation area settings.
- SrcInfo
- Information about the video bitrate of the media resource being played.
- ThumbImageBuffer
- The image content of the thumbnail or icon. Set in ScreenCaptureSourceInfo.
- TranscodingUser
- Transcoding configurations of each host.
- TranscodingVideoStream
- The video streams for local video mixing.
- UplinkNetworkInfo
- The uplink network information.
- UserAudioSpectrumInfo
- Audio spectrum information of the remote user.
- UserInfo
- The information of the user.
- VideoCanvas
- Attributes of the video canvas object.
- VideoDenoiserOptions
- Video noise reduction options.
- VideoDeviceInfo
- The VideoDeviceInfo class that contains the ID and device name of the video devices.
- VideoDeviceManager
- Video device management methods.
- VideoDimensions
- The video dimension.
- VideoEncodedFrameObserver
- Receives encoded video images.
- VideoEncoderConfiguration
- Video encoder configurations.
- VideoFormat
- The format of the video frame.
- VideoFrame
- Configurations of the video frame.
- VideoFrameObserver
- The IVideoFrameObserver class.
- VideoLayout
- Layout information of a specific sub-video stream within the mixed stream.
- VideoRenderingTracingInfo
- Indicators during video frame rendering progress.
- VideoSubscriptionOptions
- Video subscription options.
- VideoViewController
- A AgoraVideoView controller for rendering local and remote video.
- VideoViewControllerBase
- A AgoraVideoView controller for rendering local and remote video.
- VirtualBackgroundSource
- The custom background.
- WatermarkOptions
- Configurations of the watermark image.
- WatermarkRatio
- The position and size of the watermark on the screen.
- AreaCode
- The region for connection, which is the region where the server the SDK connects to is located.
- AudienceLatencyLevelType
- The latency level of an audience member in interactive live streaming. This enum takes effect only when the user role is set to clientRoleAudience .
- AudioAinsMode
- AI noise suppression modes.
- AudioCodecProfileType
- Self-defined audio codec profile.
- AudioCodecType
- The codec type of audio.
- AudioDualMonoMode
- The channel mode.
- AudioEffectPreset
- Preset audio effects.
- AudioEncodedFrameObserverPosition
- Audio profile.
- AudioEncodingType
- Audio encoding type.
- AudioEqualizationBandFrequency
- The midrange frequency for audio equalization.
- AudioFileRecordingType
- Recording content. Set in startAudioRecording.
- AudioFrameType
- Audio frame type.
- AudioMixingDualMonoMode
- The channel mode.
- AudioMixingReasonType
- The reason why the playback state of the music file changes. Reported in the onAudioMixingStateChanged callback.
- AudioMixingStateType
- The playback state of the music file.
- AudioProfileType
- The audio profile.
- AudioRecordingQualityType
- Recording quality.
- AudioReverbType
- Audio reverberation types.
- AudioRoute
- The type of the audio route.
- AudioSampleRateType
- The audio sampling rate of the stream to be pushed to the CDN.
- AudioScenarioType
- The audio scenarios.
- AudioSessionOperationRestriction
- The operation permissions of the SDK on the audio session.
- AudioTrackType
- The type of the audio track.
- BackgroundBlurDegree
- The degree of blurring applied to the custom background image.
- BackgroundSourceType
- The custom background.
- CameraDirection
- The camera direction.
- CameraFocalLengthType
- The camera focal length types.
- CameraStabilizationMode
- Camera stabilization modes.
- CaptureBrightnessLevelType
- The brightness level of the video image captured by the local camera.
- ChannelMediaRelayError
- The error code of the channel media relay.
- ChannelMediaRelayState
- The state code of the channel media relay.
- ChannelProfileType
- The channel profile.
- ClientRoleChangeFailedReason
- The reason for a user role switch failure.
- ClientRoleType
- The user role in the interactive live streaming.
- CloudProxyType
- The cloud proxy type.
- CodecCapMask
- The bit mask of the codec type.
- CompressionPreference
- Compression preference for video encoding.
- ConnectionChangedReasonType
- Reasons causing the change of the connection state.
- ConnectionStateType
- Connection states.
- ContentInspectType
- The type of video content moderation module.
- DegradationPreference
- Video degradation preferences when the bandwidth is a constraint.
- DirectCdnStreamingReason
- Reasons for the changes in CDN streaming status.
- DirectCdnStreamingState
- The current CDN streaming state.
- EarMonitoringFilterType
- The audio filter types of in-ear monitoring.
- EncodingPreference
- Video encoder preference.
- EncryptionErrorType
- Encryption error type.
- EncryptionMode
- The built-in encryption mode.
- ErrorCodeType
- Error codes.
- ExperiencePoorReason
- Reasons why the QoE of the local user when receiving a remote audio stream is poor.
- ExperienceQualityType
- The Quality of Experience (QoE) of the local user when receiving a remote audio stream.
- ExternalVideoSourceType
- The external video frame encoding type.
- FeatureType
- The type of the advanced feature.
- FrameRate
- The video frame rate.
- HeadphoneEqualizerPreset
- Preset headphone equalizer types.
- InterfaceIdType
- The interface class.
- LastmileProbeResultState
- The status of the last-mile probe test.
- LighteningContrastLevel
- The contrast level.
- LocalAudioStreamReason
- Reasons for local audio state changes.
- LocalAudioStreamState
- The state of the local audio.
- LocalVideoStreamReason
- Reasons for local video state changes.
- LocalVideoStreamState
- Local video state types.
- LogFilterType
- The output log level of the SDK.
- LogLevel
- The output log level of the SDK.
- LowLightEnhanceLevel
- The low-light enhancement level.
- LowLightEnhanceMode
- The low-light enhancement mode.
- MaxDeviceIdLengthType
- The maximum length of the device ID.
- MaxUserAccountLengthType
- The maximum length of the user account.
- MediaDeviceStateType
- Media device states.
- MediaDeviceType
- Media device types.
- MediaPlayerEvent
- Media player events.
- MediaPlayerMetadataType
- The type of media metadata.
- MediaPlayerReason
- Reasons for the changes in the media player status.
- MediaPlayerState
- The playback state.
- MediaRecorderStreamType
- The recording content.
- MediaSourceType
- Media source type.
- MediaStreamType
- The type of the media stream.
- MediaTraceEvent
- The rendering state of the media frame.
- MetadataType
- Metadata type of the observer. We only support video metadata for now.
- NetworkType
- Network type.
- OrientationMode
- Video output orientation mode.
- PermissionType
- The type of the device permission.
- PlayerPreloadEvent
- Events that occur when media resources are preloaded.
- ProxyType
- The cloud proxy type.
- QualityAdaptIndication
- Quality change of the local video in terms of target frame rate and target bit rate since last count.
- QualityType
- Network quality types.
- RawAudioFrameOpModeType
- The use mode of the audio data.
- RecorderReasonCode
- The reason for the state change.
- RecorderState
- The current recording state.
- RemoteAudioState
- Remote audio states.
- RemoteAudioStateReason
- The reason for the remote audio state change.
- RemoteVideoState
- The state of the remote video stream.
- RemoteVideoStateReason
- The reason for the remote video state change.
- RenderModeType
- Video display modes.
- RhythmPlayerReason
- Virtual Metronome error message.
- RhythmPlayerStateType
- Virtual metronome state.
- RtmpStreamingEvent
- Events during the Media Push.
- RtmpStreamLifeCycleType
- Lifecycle of the CDN live video stream.
- RtmpStreamPublishReason
- Reasons for changes in the status of RTMP or RTMPS streaming.
- RtmpStreamPublishState
- States of the Media Push.
- ScreenCaptureFramerateCapability
- The highest frame rate supported by the screen sharing device.
- ScreenCaptureSourceType
- The type of the shared target. Set in ScreenCaptureSourceInfo.
- ScreenScenarioType
- The screen sharing scenario.
- SegModelType
- The type of algorithms to user for background processing.
- SimulcastStreamMode
- The mode in which the video stream is sent.
- StreamFallbackOptions
- Options for handling audio and video stream fallback when network conditions are weak.
- StreamPublishState
- The publishing state.
- StreamSubscribeState
- The subscribing state.
- UserOfflineReasonType
- Reasons for a user being offline.
- VideoApplicationScenarioType
- The video application scenarios.
- VideoBufferType
- The video buffer type.
- VideoCodecCapabilityLevel
- The level of the codec capability.
- VideoCodecProfileType
- Video codec profile types.
- VideoCodecType
- Video codec types.
- VideoCodecTypeForStream
- The codec type of the output video.
- VideoContentHint
- The content hint for screen sharing.
- VideoDenoiserLevel
- The video noise reduction level.
- VideoDenoiserMode
- Video noise reduction mode.
- VideoFrameProcessMode
- The process mode of the video frame:
- VideoFrameType
- The video frame type.
- VideoMirrorModeType
- Video mirror mode.
- VideoModulePosition
- The frame position of the video observer.
- VideoOrientation
- The clockwise rotation of the video.
- VideoPixelFormat
- The video pixel format.
- VideoProfileType
- Video profile.
- VideoSourceType
- The type of the video source.
- VideoStreamType
- The type of video streams.
- VideoTranscoderError
- The error code of the local video mixing failure.
- VideoViewSetupMode
- Setting mode of the view.
- VoiceBeautifierPreset
- The options for SDK preset voice beautifier effects.
- VoiceConversionPreset
- The options for SDK preset voice conversion effects.
- WatermarkFitMode
- The adaptation mode of the watermark.
{→ RtcEngine }) - Creates one RtcEngine object.
{→ RtcEngineEx }) - Creates one RtcEngineEx object.
RtcEngine rtcEngine) → MediaPlayerCacheManager - Gets one MediaPlayerCacheManager instance.
Exceptions / Errors
- AgoraRtcException
- Error codes and error messages.