RtcEngine class abstract

The basic interface of the Agora SDK that implements the core functions of real-time communication.

RtcEngine provides the main methods that your app can call. Before calling other APIs, you must call createAgoraRtcEngine to create an RtcEngine object.

Available Extensions




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addVideoWatermark({required String watermarkUrl, required WatermarkOptions options}) Future<void>
Adds a watermark image to the local video.
adjustAudioMixingPlayoutVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for local playback.
adjustAudioMixingPublishVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for publishing.
adjustAudioMixingVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Adjusts the volume during audio mixing.
adjustCustomAudioPlayoutVolume({required int trackId, required int volume}) Future<void>
Adjusts the volume of the custom audio track played locally.
adjustCustomAudioPublishVolume({required int trackId, required int volume}) Future<void>
Adjusts the volume of the custom audio track played remotely.
adjustLoopbackSignalVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Adjusts the volume of the signal captured by the sound card.
adjustPlaybackSignalVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Adjusts the playback signal volume of all remote users.
adjustRecordingSignalVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Adjusts the capturing signal volume.
adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume({required int uid, required int volume}) Future<void>
Adjusts the playback signal volume of a specified remote user.
clearVideoWatermarks() Future<void>
Removes the watermark image from the video stream.
complain({required String callId, required String description}) Future<void>
Allows a user to complain about the call quality after a call ends.
configRhythmPlayer(AgoraRhythmPlayerConfig config) Future<void>
Configures the virtual metronome.
createCustomVideoTrack() Future<int>
Creates a custom video track.
createDataStream(DataStreamConfig config) Future<int>
Creates a data stream.
createMediaPlayer() Future<MediaPlayer?>
Creates a media player instance.
destroyCustomVideoTrack(int videoTrackId) Future<void>
Destroys the specified video track.
destroyMediaPlayer(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) Future<void>
Destroys the media player instance.
disableAudio() Future<void>
Disables the audio module.
disableAudioSpectrumMonitor() Future<void>
Disables audio spectrum monitoring.
disableVideo() Future<void>
Disables the video module.
enableAudio() Future<void>
Enables the audio module.
enableAudioSpectrumMonitor({int intervalInMS = 100}) Future<void>
Turns on audio spectrum monitoring.
enableAudioVolumeIndication({required int interval, required int smooth, required bool reportVad}) Future<void>
Enables the reporting of users' volume indication.
enableContentInspect({required bool enabled, required ContentInspectConfig config}) Future<void>
Enables or disables video screenshot and upload.
enableCustomAudioLocalPlayback({required int trackId, required bool enabled}) Future<void>
Sets whether to enable the local playback of external audio source.
enableDualStreamMode({required bool enabled, SimulcastStreamConfig? streamConfig}) Future<void>
Sets the dual-stream mode on the sender side and the low-quality video stream.
enableEncryption({required bool enabled, required EncryptionConfig config}) Future<void>
Enables or disables the built-in encryption.
enableExtension({required String provider, required String extension, bool enable = true, MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.unknownMediaSource}) Future<void>
Enables or disables extensions.
enableFaceDetection(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables face detection for the local user.
enableInEarMonitoring({required bool enabled, required EarMonitoringFilterType includeAudioFilters}) Future<void>
Enables in-ear monitoring.
enableInstantMediaRendering() Future<void>
Enables audio and video frame instant rendering.
enableLocalAudio(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables the local audio capture.
enableLocalVideo(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables/Disables the local video capture.
enableLoopbackRecording({required bool enabled, String? deviceName}) Future<void>
Enables loopback audio capturing.
enableMultiCamera({required bool enabled, required CameraCapturerConfiguration config}) Future<void>
Enables or disables multi-camera capture.
enableSoundPositionIndication(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables stereo panning for remote users.
enableSpatialAudio(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables the spatial audio effect.
enableVideo() Future<void>
Enables the video module.
enableVideoImageSource({required bool enable, required ImageTrackOptions options}) Future<void>
Sets whether to replace the current video feeds with images when publishing video streams.
enableVirtualBackground({required bool enabled, required VirtualBackgroundSource backgroundSource, required SegmentationProperty segproperty, MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.primaryCameraSource}) Future<void>
Enables/Disables the virtual background.
enableWebSdkInteroperability(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables interoperability with the Agora Web SDK (applicable only in the live streaming scenarios).
getAudioDeviceInfo() Future<DeviceInfo>
Gets the audio device information.
getAudioDeviceManager() AudioDeviceManager
Gets the AudioDeviceManager object to manage audio devices.
getAudioMixingCurrentPosition() Future<int>
Retrieves the playback position (ms) of the music file.
getAudioMixingDuration() Future<int>
Retrieves the duration (ms) of the music file.
getAudioMixingPlayoutVolume() Future<int>
Retrieves the audio mixing volume for local playback.
getAudioMixingPublishVolume() Future<int>
Retrieves the audio mixing volume for publishing.
getAudioTrackCount() Future<int>
Gets the index of audio tracks of the current music file.
getCallId() Future<String>
Retrieves the call ID.
getCameraMaxZoomFactor() Future<double>
Gets the maximum zoom ratio supported by the camera.
getConnectionState() Future<ConnectionStateType>
Gets the current connection state of the SDK.
getCurrentMonotonicTimeInMs() Future<int>
Gets the current Monotonic Time of the SDK.
getEffectCurrentPosition(int soundId) Future<int>
Retrieves the playback position of the audio effect file.
getEffectDuration(String filePath) Future<int>
Retrieves the duration of the audio effect file.
getEffectsVolume() Future<int>
Retrieves the volume of the audio effects.
getErrorDescription(int code) Future<String>
Gets the warning or error description.
getExtensionProperty({required String provider, required String extension, required String key, required int bufLen, MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.unknownMediaSource}) Future<String>
Gets detailed information on the extensions.
getLocalSpatialAudioEngine() LocalSpatialAudioEngine
Gets one LocalSpatialAudioEngine object.
getMediaEngine() MediaEngine
Gets one MediaEngine object.
getMusicContentCenter() → MusicContentCenter
Gets MusicContentCenter.
getNativeHandle() Future<int>
Gets the C++ handle of the Native SDK.
getNetworkType() Future<int>
Gets the type of the local network connection.
getNtpWallTimeInMs() Future<int>
Gets the current NTP (Network Time Protocol) time.
getScreenCaptureSources({required SIZE thumbSize, required SIZE iconSize, required bool includeScreen}) Future<List<ScreenCaptureSourceInfo>>
Gets a list of shareable screens and windows.
getUserInfoByUid(int uid) Future<UserInfo>
Gets the user information by passing in the user ID.
getUserInfoByUserAccount(String userAccount) Future<UserInfo>
Gets the user information by passing in the user account.
getVersion() Future<SDKBuildInfo>
Gets the SDK version.
getVideoDeviceManager() VideoDeviceManager
Gets the VideoDeviceManager object to manage video devices.
getVolumeOfEffect(int soundId) Future<int>
Gets the volume of a specified audio effect file.
initialize(RtcEngineContext context) Future<void>
Initializes RtcEngine.
isCameraAutoExposureFaceModeSupported() Future<bool>
Checks whether the device supports auto exposure.
isCameraAutoFocusFaceModeSupported() Future<bool>
Checks whether the device supports the face auto-focus function.
isCameraExposurePositionSupported() Future<bool>
Checks whether the device supports manual exposure.
isCameraExposureSupported() Future<bool>
Queries whether the current camera supports adjusting exposure value.
isCameraFaceDetectSupported() Future<bool>
Checks whether the device camera supports face detection.
isCameraFocusSupported() Future<bool>
Check whether the device supports the manual focus function.
isCameraTorchSupported() Future<bool>
Checks whether the device supports camera flash.
isCameraZoomSupported() Future<bool>
Checks whether the device supports camera zoom.
isFeatureAvailableOnDevice(FeatureType type) Future<bool>
Checks whether the device supports the specified advanced feature.
isSpeakerphoneEnabled() Future<bool>
Checks whether the speakerphone is enabled.
joinChannel({required String token, required String channelId, required int uid, required ChannelMediaOptions options}) Future<void>
Joins a channel with media options.
joinChannelWithUserAccount({required String token, required String channelId, required String userAccount, ChannelMediaOptions? options}) Future<void>
Joins the channel with a user account, and configures whether to automatically subscribe to audio or video streams after joining the channel.
joinChannelWithUserAccountEx({required String token, required String channelId, required String userAccount, required ChannelMediaOptions options}) Future<void>
Joins the channel with a user account, and configures whether to automatically subscribe to audio or video streams after joining the channel.
leaveChannel({LeaveChannelOptions? options}) Future<void>
Sets channel options and leaves the channel.
loadExtensionProvider({required String path, bool unloadAfterUse = false}) Future<void>
Adds an extension to the SDK.
muteAllRemoteAudioStreams(bool mute) Future<void>
Stops or resumes subscribing to the audio streams of all remote users.
muteAllRemoteVideoStreams(bool mute) Future<void>
Stops or resumes subscribing to the video streams of all remote users.
muteLocalAudioStream(bool mute) Future<void>
Stops or resumes publishing the local audio stream.
muteLocalVideoStream(bool mute) Future<void>
Stops or resumes publishing the local video stream.
muteRecordingSignal(bool mute) Future<void>
Whether to mute the recording signal.
muteRemoteAudioStream({required int uid, required bool mute}) Future<void>
Stops or resumes subscribing to the audio stream of a specified user.
muteRemoteVideoStream({required int uid, required bool mute}) Future<void>
Stops or resumes subscribing to the video stream of a specified user.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pauseAllChannelMediaRelay() Future<void>
Pauses the media stream relay to all target channels.
pauseAllEffects() Future<void>
Pauses all audio effects.
pauseAudioMixing() Future<void>
Pauses playing and mixing the music file.
pauseEffect(int soundId) Future<void>
Pauses a specified audio effect file.
playAllEffects({required int loopCount, required double pitch, required double pan, required int gain, bool publish = false}) Future<void>
Plays all audio effect files.
playEffect({required int soundId, required String filePath, required int loopCount, required double pitch, required double pan, required int gain, bool publish = false, int startPos = 0}) Future<void>
Plays the specified local or online audio effect file.
preloadChannel({required String token, required String channelId, required int uid}) Future<void>
Preloads a channel with token, channelId, and uid.
preloadChannelWithUserAccount({required String token, required String channelId, required String userAccount}) Future<void>
Preloads a channel with token, channelId, and userAccount.
preloadEffect({required int soundId, required String filePath, int startPos = 0}) Future<void>
Preloads a specified audio effect file into the memory.
queryCodecCapability(int size) Future<List<CodecCapInfo>>
Queries the current device's supported video codec capabilities.
queryDeviceScore() Future<int>
Queries device score.
queryScreenCaptureCapability() Future<int>
Queries the highest frame rate supported by the device during screen sharing.
rate({required String callId, required int rating, required String description}) Future<void>
Allows a user to rate a call after the call ends.
registerAudioEncodedFrameObserver({required AudioEncodedFrameObserverConfig config, required AudioEncodedFrameObserver observer}) → void
Registers an encoded audio observer.
registerAudioSpectrumObserver(AudioSpectrumObserver observer) → void
Register an audio spectrum observer.
registerEventHandler(RtcEngineEventHandler eventHandler) → void
Adds event handlers
registerExtension({required String provider, required String extension, MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.unknownMediaSource}) Future<void>
Registers an extension.
registerLocalUserAccount({required String appId, required String userAccount}) Future<void>
Registers a user account.
registerMediaMetadataObserver({required MetadataObserver observer, required MetadataType type}) → void
Registers the metadata observer.
release({bool sync = false}) Future<void>
Releases the RtcEngine instance.
renewToken(String token) Future<void>
Renews the token.
resumeAllChannelMediaRelay() Future<void>
Resumes the media stream relay to all target channels.
resumeAllEffects() Future<void>
Resumes playing all audio effect files.
resumeAudioMixing() Future<void>
Resumes playing and mixing the music file.
resumeEffect(int soundId) Future<void>
Resumes playing a specified audio effect.
selectAudioTrack(int index) Future<void>
Selects the audio track used during playback.
sendCustomReportMessage({required String id, required String category, required String event, required String label, required int value}) Future<void>
Reports customized messages.
sendMetaData({required Metadata metadata, required VideoSourceType sourceType}) Future<void>
Sends media metadata.
sendStreamMessage({required int streamId, required Uint8List data, required int length}) Future<void>
Sends data stream messages.
setAdvancedAudioOptions({required AdvancedAudioOptions options, int sourceType = 0}) Future<void>
Sets audio advanced options.
setAINSMode({required bool enabled, required AudioAinsMode mode}) Future<void>
Sets whether to enable the AI ​​noise suppression function and set the noise suppression mode.
setAudioEffectParameters({required AudioEffectPreset preset, required int param1, required int param2}) Future<void>
Sets parameters for SDK preset audio effects.
setAudioEffectPreset(AudioEffectPreset preset) Future<void>
Sets an SDK preset audio effect.
setAudioMixingDualMonoMode(AudioMixingDualMonoMode mode) Future<void>
Sets the channel mode of the current audio file.
setAudioMixingPitch(int pitch) Future<void>
Sets the pitch of the local music file.
setAudioMixingPosition(int pos) Future<void>
Sets the audio mixing position.
setAudioProfile({required AudioProfileType profile, AudioScenarioType scenario = AudioScenarioType.audioScenarioDefault}) Future<void>
Sets the audio profile and audio scenario.
setAudioScenario(AudioScenarioType scenario) Future<void>
Sets audio scenarios.
setAudioSessionOperationRestriction(AudioSessionOperationRestriction restriction) Future<void>
Sets the operational permission of the SDK on the audio session.
setBeautyEffectOptions({required bool enabled, required BeautyOptions options, MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.primaryCameraSource}) Future<void>
Sets the image enhancement options.
setCameraAutoExposureFaceModeEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Sets whether to enable auto exposure.
setCameraAutoFocusFaceModeEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables the camera auto-face focus function.
setCameraCapturerConfiguration(CameraCapturerConfiguration config) Future<void>
Sets the camera capture configuration.
setCameraDeviceOrientation({required VideoSourceType type, required VideoOrientation orientation}) Future<void>
Sets the rotation angle of the captured video.
setCameraExposureFactor(double factor) Future<void>
Sets the camera exposure value.
setCameraExposurePosition({required double positionXinView, required double positionYinView}) Future<void>
Sets the camera exposure position.
setCameraFocusPositionInPreview({required double positionX, required double positionY}) Future<void>
Sets the camera manual focus position.
setCameraTorchOn(bool isOn) Future<void>
Enables the camera flash.
setCameraZoomFactor(double factor) Future<void>
Sets the camera zoom ratio.
setChannelProfile(ChannelProfileType profile) Future<void>
Sets the channel profile.
setClientRole({required ClientRoleType role, ClientRoleOptions? options}) Future<void>
Sets the user role and level in an interactive live streaming channel.
setCloudProxy(CloudProxyType proxyType) Future<void>
Sets up cloud proxy service.
setColorEnhanceOptions({required bool enabled, required ColorEnhanceOptions options, MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.primaryCameraSource}) Future<void>
Sets color enhancement.
setDefaultAudioRouteToSpeakerphone(bool defaultToSpeaker) Future<void>
Sets the default audio playback route.
setDirectCdnStreamingAudioConfiguration(AudioProfileType profile) Future<void>
Sets the audio profile of the audio streams directly pushed to the CDN by the host.
setDirectCdnStreamingVideoConfiguration(VideoEncoderConfiguration config) Future<void>
Sets the video profile of the media streams directly pushed to the CDN by the host.
setDualStreamMode({required SimulcastStreamMode mode, SimulcastStreamConfig? streamConfig}) Future<void>
Sets dual-stream mode configuration on the sender side.
setEarMonitoringAudioFrameParameters({required int sampleRate, required int channel, required RawAudioFrameOpModeType mode, required int samplesPerCall}) Future<void>
Sets the format of the in-ear monitoring raw audio data.
setEffectPosition({required int soundId, required int pos}) Future<void>
Sets the playback position of an audio effect file.
setEffectsVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Sets the volume of the audio effects.
setEnableSpeakerphone(bool speakerOn) Future<void>
Enables/Disables the audio route to the speakerphone.
setEncryptionMode(String encryptionMode) Future<void>
Sets the built-in encryption mode.
setEncryptionSecret(String secret) Future<void>
Enables built-in encryption with an encryption password before users join a channel.
setExtensionProperty({required String provider, required String extension, required String key, required String value, MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.unknownMediaSource}) Future<void>
Sets the properties of the extension.
setExtensionProviderProperty({required String provider, required String key, required String value}) Future<void>
Sets the properties of the extension provider.
setHeadphoneEQParameters({required int lowGain, required int highGain}) Future<void>
Sets the low- and high-frequency parameters of the headphone equalizer.
setHeadphoneEQPreset(HeadphoneEqualizerPreset preset) Future<void>
Sets the preset headphone equalization effect.
setInEarMonitoringVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Sets the volume of the in-ear monitor.
setLocalRenderMode({required RenderModeType renderMode, VideoMirrorModeType mirrorMode = VideoMirrorModeType.videoMirrorModeAuto}) Future<void>
Updates the display mode of the local video view.
setLocalVideoMirrorMode(VideoMirrorModeType mirrorMode) Future<void>
Sets the local video mirror mode.
setLocalVoiceEqualization({required AudioEqualizationBandFrequency bandFrequency, required int bandGain}) Future<void>
Sets the local voice equalization effect.
setLocalVoiceFormant(double formantRatio) Future<void>
Set the formant ratio to change the timbre of human voice.
setLocalVoicePitch(double pitch) Future<void>
Changes the voice pitch of the local speaker.
setLocalVoiceReverb({required AudioReverbType reverbKey, required int value}) Future<void>
Sets the local voice reverberation.
setLogFile(String filePath) Future<void>
Sets the log file.
setLogFileSize(int fileSizeInKBytes) Future<void>
Sets the log file size.
setLogFilter(LogFilterType filter) Future<void>
Sets the log output level of the SDK.
setLogLevel(LogLevel level) Future<void>
Sets the output log level of the SDK.
setLowlightEnhanceOptions({required bool enabled, required LowlightEnhanceOptions options, MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.primaryCameraSource}) Future<void>
Sets low-light enhancement.
setMaxMetadataSize(int size) Future<void>
Sets the maximum size of the media metadata.
setMixedAudioFrameParameters({required int sampleRate, required int channel, required int samplesPerCall}) Future<void>
Sets the audio data format reported by onMixedAudioFrame.
setParameters(String parameters) Future<void>
Provides technical preview functionalities or special customizations by configuring the SDK with JSON options.
setPlaybackAudioFrameBeforeMixingParameters({required int sampleRate, required int channel}) Future<void>
Sets the audio data format reported by onPlaybackAudioFrameBeforeMixing.
setPlaybackAudioFrameParameters({required int sampleRate, required int channel, required RawAudioFrameOpModeType mode, required int samplesPerCall}) Future<void>
Sets the audio data format for playback.
setRecordingAudioFrameParameters({required int sampleRate, required int channel, required RawAudioFrameOpModeType mode, required int samplesPerCall}) Future<void>
Sets the format of the captured raw audio data.
setRemoteDefaultVideoStreamType(VideoStreamType streamType) Future<void>
Sets the default video stream type to subscribe to.
setRemoteRenderMode({required int uid, required RenderModeType renderMode, required VideoMirrorModeType mirrorMode}) Future<void>
Updates the display mode of the video view of a remote user.
setRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption(StreamFallbackOptions option) Future<void>
Sets the fallback option for the subscribed video stream based on the network conditions.
setRemoteUserSpatialAudioParams({required int uid, required SpatialAudioParams params}) Future<void>
Sets the spatial audio effect parameters of the remote user.
setRemoteVideoStreamType({required int uid, required VideoStreamType streamType}) Future<void>
Sets the video stream type to subscribe to.
setRemoteVideoSubscriptionOptions({required int uid, required VideoSubscriptionOptions options}) Future<void>
Options for subscribing to remote video streams.
setRemoteVoicePosition({required int uid, required double pan, required double gain}) Future<void>
Sets the 2D position (the position on the horizontal plane) of the remote user's voice.
setRouteInCommunicationMode(int route) Future<void>
Selects the audio playback route in communication audio mode.
setScreenCaptureContentHint(VideoContentHint contentHint) Future<void>
Sets the content hint for screen sharing.
setScreenCaptureScenario(ScreenScenarioType screenScenario) Future<void>
Sets the screen sharing scenario.
setSubscribeAudioAllowlist({required List<int> uidList, required int uidNumber}) Future<void>
Sets the allowlist of subscriptions for audio streams.
setSubscribeAudioBlocklist({required List<int> uidList, required int uidNumber}) Future<void>
Set the blocklist of subscriptions for audio streams.
setSubscribeVideoAllowlist({required List<int> uidList, required int uidNumber}) Future<void>
Set the allowlist of subscriptions for video streams.
setSubscribeVideoBlocklist({required List<int> uidList, required int uidNumber}) Future<void>
Set the blocklist of subscriptions for video streams.
setupLocalVideo(VideoCanvas canvas) Future<void>
Initializes the local video view.
setupRemoteVideo(VideoCanvas canvas) Future<void>
Initializes the video view of a remote user.
setVideoDenoiserOptions({required bool enabled, required VideoDenoiserOptions options, MediaSourceType type = MediaSourceType.primaryCameraSource}) Future<void>
Sets video noise reduction.
setVideoEncoderConfiguration(VideoEncoderConfiguration config) Future<void>
Sets the video encoder configuration.
setVideoScenario(VideoApplicationScenarioType scenarioType) Future<void>
Sets video application scenarios.
setVoiceBeautifierParameters({required VoiceBeautifierPreset preset, required int param1, required int param2}) Future<void>
Sets parameters for the preset voice beautifier effects.
setVoiceBeautifierPreset(VoiceBeautifierPreset preset) Future<void>
Sets a preset voice beautifier effect.
setVoiceConversionPreset(VoiceConversionPreset preset) Future<void>
Sets a preset voice beautifier effect.
setVolumeOfEffect({required int soundId, required int volume}) Future<void>
Sets the volume of a specified audio effect.
startAudioMixing({required String filePath, required bool loopback, required int cycle, int startPos = 0}) Future<void>
Starts playing the music file.
startAudioRecording(AudioRecordingConfiguration config) Future<void>
Starts audio recording on the client and sets recording configurations.
startCameraCapture({required VideoSourceType sourceType, required CameraCapturerConfiguration config}) Future<void>
Starts camera capture.
startDirectCdnStreaming({required DirectCdnStreamingEventHandler eventHandler, required String publishUrl, required DirectCdnStreamingMediaOptions options}) Future<void>
Starts pushing media streams to the CDN directly.
startEchoTest(EchoTestConfiguration config) Future<void>
Starts an audio device loopback test.
startLastmileProbeTest(LastmileProbeConfig config) Future<void>
Starts the last mile network probe test.
startLocalVideoTranscoder(LocalTranscoderConfiguration config) Future<void>
Starts the local video mixing.
startMediaRenderingTracing() Future<void>
Enables tracing the video frame rendering process.
startOrUpdateChannelMediaRelay(ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration configuration) Future<void>
Starts relaying media streams across channels or updates channels for media relay.
startPreview({VideoSourceType sourceType = VideoSourceType.videoSourceCameraPrimary}) Future<void>
Enables the local video preview and specifies the video source for the preview.
startPreviewWithoutSourceType() Future<void>
Enables the local video preview.
startRhythmPlayer({required String sound1, required String sound2, required AgoraRhythmPlayerConfig config}) Future<void>
Enables the virtual metronome.
startRtmpStreamWithoutTranscoding(String url) Future<void>
Starts pushing media streams to a CDN without transcoding.
startRtmpStreamWithTranscoding({required String url, required LiveTranscoding transcoding}) Future<void>
Starts Media Push and sets the transcoding configuration.
startScreenCapture(ScreenCaptureParameters2 captureParams) Future<void>
Starts screen capture.
startScreenCaptureByDisplayId({required int displayId, required Rectangle regionRect, required ScreenCaptureParameters captureParams}) Future<void>
Captures the screen by specifying the display ID.
startScreenCaptureByScreenRect({required Rectangle screenRect, required Rectangle regionRect, required ScreenCaptureParameters captureParams}) Future<void>
Captures the whole or part of a screen by specifying the screen rect.
startScreenCaptureBySourceType({required VideoSourceType sourceType, required ScreenCaptureConfiguration config}) Future<void>
Starts screen capture.
startScreenCaptureByWindowId({required int windowId, required Rectangle regionRect, required ScreenCaptureParameters captureParams}) Future<void>
Captures the whole or part of a window by specifying the window ID.
stopAllEffects() Future<void>
Stops playing all audio effects.
stopAudioMixing() Future<void>
Stops playing and mixing the music file.
stopAudioRecording() Future<void>
Stops the audio recording on the client.
stopCameraCapture(VideoSourceType sourceType) Future<void>
Stops camera capture.
stopChannelMediaRelay() Future<void>
Stops the media stream relay. Once the relay stops, the host quits all the target channels.
stopDirectCdnStreaming() Future<void>
Stops pushing media streams to the CDN directly.
stopEchoTest() Future<void>
Stops the audio call test.
stopEffect(int soundId) Future<void>
Stops playing a specified audio effect.
stopLastmileProbeTest() Future<void>
Stops the last mile network probe test.
stopLocalVideoTranscoder() Future<void>
Stops the local video mixing.
stopPreview({VideoSourceType sourceType = VideoSourceType.videoSourceCameraPrimary}) Future<void>
Stops the local video preview.
stopRhythmPlayer() Future<void>
Disables the virtual metronome.
stopRtmpStream(String url) Future<void>
Stops pushing media streams to a CDN.
stopScreenCapture() Future<void>
Stops screen capture.
stopScreenCaptureBySourceType(VideoSourceType sourceType) Future<void>
Stops screen capture.
switchCamera() Future<void>
Switches between front and rear cameras.
takeSnapshot({required int uid, required String filePath}) Future<void>
Takes a snapshot of a video stream.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unloadAllEffects() Future<void>
Releases a specified preloaded audio effect from the memory.
unloadEffect(int soundId) Future<void>
Releases a specified preloaded audio effect from the memory.
unregisterAudioEncodedFrameObserver(AudioEncodedFrameObserver observer) → void
Unregisters the encoded audio frame observer.
unregisterAudioSpectrumObserver(AudioSpectrumObserver observer) → void
Unregisters the audio spectrum observer.
unregisterEventHandler(RtcEngineEventHandler eventHandler) → void
Removes the specified callback handler.
unregisterMediaMetadataObserver({required MetadataObserver observer, required MetadataType type}) → void
Unregisters the specified metadata observer.
updateChannelMediaOptions(ChannelMediaOptions options) Future<void>
Updates the channel media options after joining the channel.
updateLocalTranscoderConfiguration(LocalTranscoderConfiguration config) Future<void>
Updates the local video mixing configuration.
updatePreloadChannelToken(String token) Future<void>
Updates the wildcard token for preloading channels.
updateRtmpTranscoding(LiveTranscoding transcoding) Future<void>
Updates the transcoding configuration.
updateScreenCapture(ScreenCaptureParameters2 captureParams) Future<void>
Updates the screen capturing parameters.
updateScreenCaptureParameters(ScreenCaptureParameters captureParams) Future<void>
Updates the screen capturing parameters.
updateScreenCaptureRegion(Rectangle regionRect) Future<void>
Updates the screen capturing region.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.