TextureView.screenShare constructor

const TextureView.screenShare({
  1. Key? key,
  2. VideoRenderMode renderMode = VideoRenderMode.Hidden,
  3. VideoMirrorMode mirrorMode = VideoMirrorMode.Disabled,
  4. PlatformViewCreatedCallback? onPlatformViewCreated,
  5. Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>>? gestureRecognizers,
  6. bool useFlutterTexture = true,

Constructs the TextureView.

Constructor of the TextureView class for rendering local screen sharing video.

Param useFlutterTexture Whether to render the video using FlutterTexture.

Param gestureRecognizers The Gesture object.

Param onPlatformViewCreated This event is triggered when a platform view is created.

Param mirrorMode The mirror mode of the view. See VideoMirrorMode .

Param renderMode The rendering mode of the video. See VideoRenderMode .

Param key Specifiers of Widget, Element, and SemanticsNode. For details, see Flutter's official documentation for a description of the key object.


const TextureView.screenShare({
  Key? key,
  VideoRenderMode renderMode = VideoRenderMode.Hidden,
  VideoMirrorMode mirrorMode = VideoMirrorMode.Disabled,
  PlatformViewCreatedCallback? onPlatformViewCreated,
  Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>>? gestureRecognizers,
  bool useFlutterTexture = true,
}) : super(
        key: key,
        uid: 0,
        renderMode: renderMode,
        mirrorMode: mirrorMode,
        onPlatformViewCreated: onPlatformViewCreated,
        gestureRecognizers: gestureRecognizers,
        useFlutterTexture: useFlutterTexture,
        subProcess: true,