sendStreamMessage abstract method

Future<void> sendStreamMessage(
  1. int streamId,
  2. Uint8List message

Sends data stream messages. Sends data stream messages to all users in a channel. The SDK has the following restrictions on this method: Up to 30 packets can be sent per second in a channel with each packet having a maximum size of 1 KB. Each client can send up to 6 KB of data per second. Each user can have up to five data streams simultaneously. A successful method call triggers the streamMessage callback on the remote client, from which the remote user gets the stream message. A failed method call triggers the streamMessageError callback on the remote client. Ensure that you call createDataStreamWithConfig to create a data channel before calling this method. In live streaming scenarios, this method only applies to hosts.

Param streamId The data stream ID. You can get the data stream ID by calling createDataStreamWithConfig.

Param message The message to be sent.


Future<void> sendStreamMessage(int streamId, Uint8List message);