rtc_engine library
- AgoraImage
- Image properties. This class sets the properties of the watermark and background images in the live video.
- AudioFileInfo
- The information of an audio file. This struct is reported in requestAudioFileInfo .
- AudioRecordingConfiguration
- The configuration of audio recording on the app client.
- AudioVolumeInfo
- The volume information of users.
- BeautyOptions
- Image enhancement options.
- CameraCapturerConfiguration
- The camera capturer preference.
- ChannelMediaInfo
- The definition of ChannelMediaInfo.
- ChannelMediaOptions
- The channel media options.
- ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration
- The definition of ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration.
- ClientRoleOptions
- The detailed options of a user.
- ColorEnhanceOptions
- The color enhancement options.
- DataStreamConfig
- The configurations for the data stream. The following table shows the SDK behaviors under different parameter settings:
- EchoTestConfiguration
- The configuration of the audio and video call loop test.
- EncryptionConfig
- Built-in encryption configurations.
- FacePositionInfo
- The information of the detected human face.
- LastmileProbeConfig
- Configurations of the last-mile network test.
- LastmileProbeOneWayResult
- Results of the uplink or downlink last-mile network test.
- LastmileProbeResult
- Results of the uplink and downlink last-mile network tests.
- LiveInjectStreamConfig
- Configurations of injecting an external audio or video stream. Agora will soon stop the service for injecting online media streams on the client. If you have not implemented this service, Agora recommends that you do not use it.
- LiveTranscoding
- Transcoding configurations for Media Push.
- LocalAudioStats
- Local audio statistics.
- LocalVideoStats
- The statistics of the local video stream.
- LogConfig
- The configuration of the SDK log files.
- LowLightEnhanceOptions
- The low-light enhancement options.
- MediaDeviceInfo
- The MediaDeviceInfo class, which contains the device ID and device name.
- MediaRecorderConfiguration
- Configurations for the local audio and video recording.
- Metadata
- Media metadata
- RecorderInfo
- Information for the recording file.
- Rect
- The screen sharing region. Deprecated: This class is deprecated. Please use the updateScreenCaptureRegion method to update the shared area.
- Rectangle
- The location of the target area relative to the screen or window. If you do not set this parameter, the SDK selects the whole screen or window.
- RemoteAudioStats
- Audio statistics of the remote user.
- RemoteVideoStats
- Statistics of the remote video stream.
- RhythmPlayerConfig
- The metronome configuration.
- RtcEngine
- The basic interface of the Agora SDK that implements the core functions of real-time communication. RtcEngine provides the main methods that your app can call.
- RtcEngineContext
- Configurations of initializing the SDK.
- RtcEngineEventHandler
- The SDK uses the RtcEngineEventHandler interface to send event notifications to your app. Your app can get those notifications through methods that inherit this interface.
- RtcStats
- Statistics of a call session.
- ScreenAudioParameters
- The audio configuration for the shared screen stream. Only available for scenarios where captureAudio is true.
- ScreenCaptureInfo
- Screen sharing information.
- ScreenCaptureParameters
- Screen sharing configurations.
- ScreenCaptureParameters2
- Screen sharing configurations.
- ScreenVideoParameters
- The video configuration for the shared screen stream.
- TranscodingUser
- Transcoding configurations of each host.
- UserInfo
- The information of the user.
- VideoDenoiserOptions
- Video noise reduction options.
- VideoDimensions
- Video dimensions.
- VideoEncoderConfiguration
- Video encoder configurations.
- VirtualBackgroundSource
- The custom background image.
- WatermarkOptions
- Configurations of the watermark image.
- AreaCode
- The region for connection, which is the region where the server the SDK connects to is located.
- AudienceLatencyLevelType
- The latency level of an audience member in interactive live streaming. This enum takes effect only when the user role is set to Audience.
- AudioCodecProfileType
- Self-defined audio codec profile.
- AudioDeviceTestVolumeType
- The volume type.
- AudioEffectPreset
- Preset voice effects. For better voice effects, Agora recommends setting the profile parameter of setAudioProfile to MusicHighQuality or MusicHighQualityStereo before using the following presets: RoomAcousticsKTV RoomAcousticsVocalConcert RoomAcousticsStudio RoomAcousticsPhonograph RoomAcousticsSpacial RoomAcousticsEthereal VoiceChangerEffectUncle VoiceChangerEffectOldMan VoiceChangerEffectBoy VoiceChangerEffectSister VoiceChangerEffectGirl VoiceChangerEffectPigKing VoiceChangerEffectHulk PitchCorrection
- AudioEqualizationBandFrequency
- The midrange frequency for audio equalization.
- AudioFileInfoError
- The information acquisition state. This enum is reported in requestAudioFileInfo .
- AudioLocalError
- Local audio state error codes.
- AudioLocalState
- Local audio states.
- AudioMixingDualMonoMode
- The channel mode. Set in setAudioMixingDualMonoMode .
- AudioMixingErrorType
- Errors that might occur when playing a music file.
- AudioMixingReason
- The reason why the playback state of the music file changes. Reported in the audioMixingStateChanged callback.
- AudioMixingStateCode
- The playback state of the music file.
- AudioOutputRouting
- The type of the audio route.
- AudioProfile
- The audio profile.
- AudioRecordingPosition
- Recording content. Set in startAudioRecordingWithConfig .
- AudioRecordingQuality
- Audio recording quality.
- AudioRemoteState
- Remote audio states.
- AudioRemoteStateReason
- The reason for the remote audio state change.
- AudioReverbPreset
- Voice reverb presets.
- AudioReverbType
- Audio reverberation types.
- AudioSampleRateType
- The audio sampling rate of the stream to be pushed to the CDN.
- AudioScenario
- Audio application scenarios.
- AudioSessionOperationRestriction
- The operational permission of the SDK on the audio session.
- AudioVoiceChanger
- Local voice changer options.
- CameraCaptureOutputPreference
- Camera capture preference.
- CameraDirection
- The camera direction.
- CaptureBrightnessLevelType
- The brightness level of the video image captured by the local camera.
- ChannelMediaRelayError
- The error code of the channel media replay.
- ChannelMediaRelayEvent
- The event code of channel media relay.
- ChannelMediaRelayState
- The state code of the channel media relay.
- ChannelProfile
- The channel profile.
- ClientRole
- The user role in the interactive live streaming.
- CloudProxyType
- The cloud proxy type.
- ConnectionChangedReason
- Reasons causing the change of the connection state.
- ConnectionStateType
- Connection states.
- DegradationPreference
- Video degradation preferences when the bandwidth is a constraint.
- EncryptionMode
- The built-in encryption mode. Agora recommends using AES128GCM2 or AES256GCM2 encrypted mode. These two modes support the use of salt for higher security.
- ErrorCode
- Error codes. See https://docs.agora.io/en/Interactive%20Broadcast/error_rtc.
- ErrScreenCapture
- The screen capture error type.
- ExcludeWindowError
- The error code of the window blocking during screen sharing.
- ExperiencePoorReason
- Reasons why the QoE of the local user when receiving a remote audio stream is poor.
- ExperienceQualityType
- The Quality of Experience (QoE) of the local user when receiving a remote audio stream.
- InjectStreamStatus
- States of importing an external video stream in the interactive live streaming.
- LastmileProbeResultState
- The status of the last-mile network tests.
- LighteningContrastLevel
- The contrast level.
- LocalVideoStreamError
- Local video state error codes.
- LocalVideoStreamState
- Local video state types
- LogFilter
- The output log level of the SDK.
- LogLevel
- The output log level of the SDK.
- LowLightEnhanceLevel
- The low-light enhancement level.
- LowLightEnhanceMode
- The low-light enhancement mode.
- MediaDeviceStateType
- Media device states.
- MediaDeviceType
- Media device types.
- MediaRecorderContainerFormat
- The format of the recording file.
- MediaRecorderStreamType
- The recording content.
- NetworkQuality
- Network quality types.
- NetworkType
- Network type.
- ProxyType
- The proxy type.
- RecorderErrorCode
- The reason for the state change.
- RecorderState
- The current recording state.
- RtmpStreamingErrorCode
- Error codes of the RTMP or RTMPS streaming.
- RtmpStreamingEvent
- Events during the media push.
- RtmpStreamingState
- States of the Media Push.
- ScreenScenarioType
- The screen sharing scenario. Set in setScreenCaptureScenario .
- StreamFallbackOptions
- Stream fallback options.
- StreamPublishState
- The publishing state.
- StreamSubscribeState
- The subscribing state.
- SuperResolutionStateReason
- The reason why super resolution is not successfully enabled. Since v3.5.1
- UploadErrorReason
- The reason for the upload failure.
- UserOfflineReason
- Reasons for a user being offline.
- UserPriority
- The priority of the remote user.
- VideoCodecProfileType
- Video codec profile types.
- VideoCodecType
- Video codec types.
- VideoCodecTypeForStream
- The codec type of the output video.
- VideoContentHint
- The content hint for screen sharing.
- VideoDenoiserLevel
- The video noise reduction level.
- VideoDenoiserMode
- Video noise reduction mode.
- VideoFrameRate
- Video frame rate.
- VideoMirrorMode
- Video mirror mode.
- VideoOutputOrientationMode
- Video output orientation modes.
- VideoQualityAdaptIndication
- Quality change of the local video in terms of target frame rate and target bit rate since last count.
- VideoRemoteState
- The state of the remote video.
- VideoRemoteStateReason
- The reason for the remote video state change.
- VideoRenderMode
- Video display modes.
- VideoStreamType
- The type of video streams.
- VirtualBackgroundBlurDegree
- The degree of blurring applied to the custom background image.
- VirtualBackgroundSourceStateReason
- The reason why virtual background is not successfully enabled. Since v3.5.0
- VoiceBeautifierPreset
- The options for SDK preset voice beautifier effects.
- VoiceConversionPreset
- The options for SDK preset voice conversion effects.
- WarningCode
- Warning codes. See https://docs.agora.io/en/Interactive%20Broadcast/error_rtc.
- RtcEngineExtension on RtcEngine
- The RtcEngineExtension class.
- ApiCallCallback = void Function(ErrorCode error, String api, String result)
- AudioDeviceStateChanged = void Function(String deviceId, MediaDeviceType deviceType, MediaDeviceStateType deviceState)
- AudioDeviceVolumeChanged = void Function(MediaDeviceType deviceType, int volume, bool muted)
- AudioMixingStateCallback = void Function(AudioMixingStateCode state, AudioMixingReason reason)
- AudioQualityCallback = void Function(int uid, int quality, int delay, int lost)
- AudioRouteCallback = void Function(AudioOutputRouting routing)
= void Function(List<
AudioVolumeInfo> speakers, int totalVolume) - ClientRoleCallback = void Function(ClientRole oldRole, ClientRole newRole)
- ConnectionStateCallback = void Function(ConnectionStateType state, ConnectionChangedReason reason)
- ElapsedCallback = void Function(int elapsed)
- EmptyCallback = void Function()
- EnabledCallback = void Function(bool enabled)
- ErrorCallback = void Function(ErrorCode err)
= void Function(int imageWidth, int imageHeight, List<
FacePositionInfo> faces) - FallbackCallback = void Function(bool isFallbackOrRecover)
- FallbackWithUidCallback = void Function(int uid, bool isFallbackOrRecover)
- LastmileProbeCallback = void Function(LastmileProbeResult result)
- LocalAudioStateCallback = void Function(AudioLocalState state, AudioLocalError error)
- LocalAudioStatsCallback = void Function(LocalAudioStats stats)
- LocalVideoStateCallback = void Function(LocalVideoStreamState localVideoState, LocalVideoStreamError error)
- LocalVideoStatsCallback = void Function(LocalVideoStats stats)
- MediaRelayEventCallback = void Function(ChannelMediaRelayEvent code)
- MediaRelayStateCallback = void Function(ChannelMediaRelayState state, ChannelMediaRelayError code)
- MetadataCallback = void Function(Metadata metadata)
- NetworkQualityCallback = void Function(NetworkQuality quality)
- NetworkQualityWithUidCallback = void Function(int uid, NetworkQuality txQuality, NetworkQuality rxQuality)
- NetworkTypeCallback = void Function(NetworkType type)
- OnAudioDeviceTestVolumeIndication = void Function(AudioDeviceTestVolumeType volumeType, int volume)
- OnClientRoleChangeFailed = void Function(ClientRoleChangeFailedReason reason, ClientRole currentRole)
- OnContentInspectResult = void Function(ContentInspectResult result)
- OnFirstRemoteVideoFrame = void Function(int uid, int width, int height, int elapsed)
- OnLocalVoicePitchInHz = void Function(int pitchInHz)
- OnProxyConnected = void Function(String channel, int uid, ProxyType proxyType, String localProxyIp, int elapsed)
- OnRecorderInfoUpdated = void Function(RecorderInfo info)
- OnRecorderStateChanged = void Function(RecorderState state, RecorderErrorCode error)
- OnScreenCaptureInfoUpdated = void Function(ScreenCaptureInfo info)
- OnWlAccMessage = void Function(WlaccMessageReason reason, WlaccSuggestAction action, String wlAccMsg)
- OnWlAccStats = void Function(WlAccStats currentStats, WlAccStats averageStats)
- RecorderStateChangedCallback = void Function(RecorderState state, RecorderErrorCode error)
- RectCallback = void Function(Rect rect)
- RemoteAudioMixingBegin = void Function()
- RemoteAudioMixingEnd = void Function()
- RemoteAudioStateCallback = void Function(int uid, AudioRemoteState state, AudioRemoteStateReason reason, int elapsed)
- RemoteAudioStatsCallback = void Function(RemoteAudioStats stats)
- RemoteVideoStateCallback = void Function(int uid, VideoRemoteState state, VideoRemoteStateReason reason, int elapsed)
- RemoteVideoStatsCallback = void Function(RemoteVideoStats stats)
- RequestAudioFileInfoCallback = void Function(AudioFileInfo info, AudioFileInfoError error)
- RtcStatsCallback = void Function(RtcStats stats)
- RtmpStreamingEventCallback = void Function(String url, RtmpStreamingEvent eventCode)
- RtmpStreamingStateCallback = void Function(String url, RtmpStreamingState state, RtmpStreamingErrorCode errCode)
- SnapshotTakenCallback = void Function(String channel, int uid, String filePath, int width, int height, int errCode)
- SoundIdCallback = void Function(int soundId)
- StreamInjectedStatusCallback = void Function(String url, int uid, InjectStreamStatus status)
- StreamMessageCallback = void Function(int uid, int streamId, Uint8List data)
- StreamMessageErrorCallback = void Function(int uid, int streamId, ErrorCode error, int missed, int cached)
- StreamPublishStateCallback = void Function(String channel, StreamPublishState oldState, StreamPublishState newState, int elapseSinceLastState)
- StreamSubscribeStateCallback = void Function(String channel, int uid, StreamSubscribeState oldState, StreamSubscribeState newState, int elapseSinceLastState)
- TokenCallback = void Function(String token)
- TransportStatsCallback = void Function(int uid, int delay, int lost, int rxKBitRate)
- UidCallback = void Function(int uid)
- UidWithElapsedAndChannelCallback = void Function(String channel, int uid, int elapsed)
- UidWithElapsedCallback = void Function(int uid, int elapsed)
- UidWithEnabledCallback = void Function(int uid, bool enabled)
- UidWithMutedCallback = void Function(int uid, bool muted)
- UploadLogResultCallback = void Function(String requestId, bool success, UploadErrorReason reason)
- UrlCallback = void Function(String url)
- UrlWithErrorCallback = void Function(String url, ErrorCode error)
- UserAccountCallback = void Function(int uid, String userAccount)
- UserInfoCallback = void Function(int uid, UserInfo userInfo)
- UserOfflineCallback = void Function(int uid, UserOfflineReason reason)
- UserSuperResolutionEnabledCallback = void Function(int uid, bool enabled, SuperResolutionStateReason reason)
- VideoDeviceStateChanged = void Function(String deviceId, MediaDeviceType deviceType, MediaDeviceStateType deviceState)
- VideoFrameCallback = void Function(int width, int height, int elapsed)
- VideoFrameWithUidCallback = void Function(int uid, int width, int height, int elapsed)
- VideoSizeCallback = void Function(int uid, int width, int height, int rotation)
- VirtualBackgroundSourceEnabledCallback = void Function(bool enabled, VirtualBackgroundSourceStateReason reason)
- WarningCallback = void Function(WarningCode warn)