setChannelProfile abstract method

Future<void> setChannelProfile(
  1. ChannelProfile profile

Sets the channel profile. After initializing the SDK, the default channel profile is the communication profile. After initializing the SDK, the default channel profile is the live streaming profile. You can call this method to set the usage scenario of Agora channel. The Agora SDK differentiates channel profiles and applies optimization algorithms accordingly. For example, it prioritizes smoothness and low latency for a video call and prioritizes video quality for interactive live video streaming. To ensure the quality of real-time communication, Agora recommends that all users in a channel use the same channel profile. This method must be called and set before joinChannel, and cannot be set again after joining the channel.

Param profile The channel profile. See ChannelProfile for details.


Future<void> setChannelProfile(ChannelProfile profile);