enableVideo abstract method

Future<void> enableVideo()

Enables the video module. Call this method either before joining a channel or during a call. If this method is called before joining a channel, the call starts in the video mode. Call disableVideo to disable the video mode. A successful call of this method triggers the remoteVideoStateChanged callback on the remote client. This method enables the internal engine and is valid after leaving the channel. This method resets the internal engine and takes some time to take effect. Agora recommends using the following API methods to control the video engine modules separately: enableLocalVideo : Whether to enable the camera to create the local video stream. muteLocalVideoStream : Whether to publish the local video stream. muteRemoteVideoStream : Whether to subscribe to and play the remote video stream. muteAllRemoteVideoStreams : Whether to subscribe to and play all remote video streams.


Future<void> enableVideo();