enableDualStreamMode abstract method

Future<void> enableDualStreamMode(
  1. bool enabled

Enables/Disables dual-stream mode. You can call this method to enable or disable the dual-stream mode on the publisher side. Dual streams are a hybrid of a high-quality video stream and a low-quality video stream: High-quality video stream: High bitrate, high resolution. Low-quality video stream: Low bitrate, low resolution. After you enable the dual-stream mode, you can call setRemoteVideoStreamType to choose to receive the high-quality video stream or low-quality video stream on the subscriber side. This method only takes effect for the video stream captured by the SDK through the camera. If you use video streams from the custom video source or captured by the SDK through the screen, you need to call or to enable dual-stream mode. You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.

Param enabled Whether to enable dual-stream mode. true: Enable dual-stream mode. false: Disable dual-stream mode.


Future<void> enableDualStreamMode(bool enabled);