snapshotTaken property

SnapshotTakenCallback? snapshotTaken
getter/setter pair

Reports the result of taking a video snapshot. After a successful takeSnapshot method call, the SDK triggers this callback to report whether the snapshot is successfully taken as well as the details for the snapshot taken.

Param channel The channel name.

Param uid The user ID. A uid of 0 indicates the local user.

Param filePath The local path of the snapshot.

Param width The width (px) of the snapshot.

Param height The height (px) of the snapshot.

Param errCode The message that confirms success or the reason why the snapshot is not successfully taken: 0: Success. < 0: Failure: -1: The SDK fails to write data to a file or encode a JPEG image. -2: The SDK does not find the video stream of the specified user within one second after the takeSnapshot method call succeeds.


SnapshotTakenCallback? snapshotTaken;