remoteAudioTransportStats property

  1. @Deprecated('Please use remoteAudioStats instead.')
TransportStatsCallback? remoteAudioTransportStats
getter/setter pair

Reports the transport-layer statistics of each remote audio stream. Deprecated: Please use remoteAudioStats instead. This callback reports the transport-layer statistics, such as the packet loss rate and network time delay, once every two seconds after the local user receives an audio packet from a remote user. During a call, when the user receives the audio packet sent by the remote user/host, the callback is triggered every 2 seconds.

Param uid The ID of the remote user sending the audio streams.

Param delay The network delay (ms) from the sender to the receiver.

Param lost Packet loss rate (%) of the audio packet sent from the sender to the receiver.

Param rxKBitrate Bitrate of the received audio (Kbps).


@Deprecated('Please use remoteAudioStats instead.')
TransportStatsCallback? remoteAudioTransportStats;