setEnableSpeakerphone method

  1. @override
Future<void> setEnableSpeakerphone(
  1. bool enabled

Enables/Disables the audio playback route to the speakerphone.

This method sets whether the audio is routed to the speakerphone or earpiece. After calling this method, the SDK returns the RtcEngineEventHandler.audioRouteChanged callback to indicate the changes.


Parameter enabled Sets whether to route the audio to the speakerphone or earpiece:

  • true: Route the audio to the speakerphone. If the playback device connects to the earpiece or Bluetooth, the audio cannot be routed to the speakerphone.
  • false: Route the audio to the earpiece. If the headset is plugged in, the audio is routed to the headset.


Future<void> setEnableSpeakerphone(bool enabled) {
  return _invokeMethod('setEnableSpeakerphone', {'enabled': enabled});