enableWebSdkInteroperability method

  1. @override
  2. @deprecated
Future<void> enableWebSdkInteroperability(
  1. bool enabled

Enables interoperability with the Agora Web SDK (LiveBroadcasting only).

The SDK automatically enables interoperability with the Web SDK, so you no longer need to call this method. If the channel has Web SDK users, ensure that you call this method, or the video of the Native user will be a black screen for the Web user. Use this method when the channel profile is ChannelProfile.LiveBroadcasting. Interoperability with the Agora Web SDK is enabled by default when the channel profile is ChannelProfile.Communication.

Parameter enabled Sets whether to enable/disable interoperability with the Agora Web SDK:

  • true: Enable.
  • false: (Default) Disable.


Future<void> enableWebSdkInteroperability(bool enabled) {
  return _invokeMethod('enableWebSdkInteroperability', {'enabled': enabled});