AgoraChatManager class


  1. invite 2. receive invite 3. send alerting
  2. receive alerting
  3. send confirm ring 6. receive confirm ring 7. send refuse / answer
  4. receive, send device id to callee.


alertTimerDic Map<String, Timer>
busy bool
no setter
callTimerDic Map<String, Timer>
应答 timer,当呼出时需要把callId和计时器放到map中,计时器终止时移除callId。 目的是确保被叫方收到的通话有效, 场景:对方收到离线的呼叫消息,需要判断当前呼叫是否有效,则将收到的callId发送给主叫方, 主叫方收到后,判断map中是否存在对应的callId,如果不存在,则表示本callId对应的通话无效,反之则为有效,之后将结果告知被叫方。
confirmTimer Timer?
getter/setter pair
handler AgoraChatEventHandler
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
key String
model ChatCallKitCallModel
getter/setter pair
ringTimer Timer?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
timeoutDuration Duration
getter/setter pair
ts int
no setter


answerCall(String callId) Future<void>
chatLog(String method, ChatMessage msg) → void
clearAllTimer() → void
clearCurrentCallInfo() Future<void>
clearInfo() → void
dispose() → void
hangup(String callId) Future<void>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onAnswer() → void
onCurrentUserJoined() → void
onMessageReceived(List<ChatMessage> list) → void
onStateChange(ChatCallKitCallState state) → void
parseMsg(ChatMessage message) → void
registerChatEvent() → void
removeUser(String userId, ChatCallKitCallEndReason reason) → void
sendAlertMsgToCaller(String callerId, String callId, String devId) → void
sendAnswerMsg(String remoteUserId, String callId, String result, String devId) → void
sendCancelCallMsgToCallee(String userId, String callId) → void
sendConfirmAnswerMsgToCallee(String userId, String callId, String result, String devId) → void
sendConfirmRingMsgToCallee(String userId, String callId, bool isValid, String calleeDevId) → void
sendInviteMsgToCallee(String userId, ChatCallKitCallType type, String callId, String channel, Map<String, String>? ext) Future<void>
startInviteUsers(List<String> userIds, Map<String, String>? ext) Future<String>
startSingleCall(String userId, {ChatCallKitCallType type = ChatCallKitCallType.audio_1v1, int? agoraUid, Map<String, String>? ext}) Future<String>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unregisterChatEvent() → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.