ExternalVideoFrame class

The external video frame.

  • @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true, includeIfNull: false)


alphaBuffer Uint8List?
The alpha channel data output by using portrait segmentation algorithm. This data matches the size of the video frame, with each pixel value ranging from 0,255, where 0 represents the background and 255 represents the foreground (portrait). By setting this parameter, you can render the video background into various effects, such as transparent, solid color, image, video, etc. In custom video rendering scenarios, ensure that both the video frame and alphaBuffer are of the Full Range type; other types may cause abnormal alpha data rendering.
alphaStitchMode AlphaStitchMode?
When the video frame contains alpha channel data, it represents the relative position of alphaBuffer and the video frame. See AlphaStitchMode.
buffer Uint8List?
Video frame buffer.
colorSpace → ColorSpace?
By default, the color space properties of video frames will apply the Full Range and BT.709 standard configurations. You can configure the settings according your needs for custom video capturing and rendering.
cropBottom int?
Raw data related parameter. The number of pixels trimmed from the bottom. The default value is 0.
cropLeft int?
Raw data related parameter. The number of pixels trimmed from the left. The default value is 0.
cropRight int?
Raw data related parameter. The number of pixels trimmed from the right. The default value is 0.
cropTop int?
Raw data related parameter. The number of pixels trimmed from the top. The default value is 0.
d3d11Texture2d int?
This parameter only applies to video data in Windows Texture format. It represents a pointer to an object of type ID3D11Texture2D, which is used by a video frame.
eglType → EglContextType?
This parameter only applies to video data in Texture format. Texture ID of the video frame.
fillAlphaBuffer bool?
This parameter only applies to video data in BGRA or RGBA format. Whether to extract the alpha channel data from the video frame and automatically fill it into alphaBuffer : true :Extract and fill the alpha channel data. false : (Default) Do not extract and fill the Alpha channel data. For video data in BGRA or RGBA format, you can set the Alpha channel data in either of the following ways: Automatically by setting this parameter to true. Manually through the alphaBuffer parameter.
format VideoPixelFormat?
The pixel format. See VideoPixelFormat.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height int?
Height of the incoming video frame.
matrix List<double>?
This parameter only applies to video data in Texture format. Incoming 4 × 4 transformational matrix. The typical value is a unit matrix.
metadataBuffer Uint8List?
This parameter only applies to video data in Texture format. The MetaData buffer. The default value is NULL.
metadataSize int?
This parameter only applies to video data in Texture format. The MetaData size. The default value is 0.
rotation int?
Raw data related parameter. The clockwise rotation of the video frame. You can set the rotation angle as 0, 90, 180, or 270. The default value is 0.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stride int?
Line spacing of the incoming video frame, which must be in pixels instead of bytes. For textures, it is the width of the texture.
textureId int?
This parameter only applies to video data in Texture format. Incoming 4 × 4 transformational matrix. The typical value is a unit matrix.
textureSliceIndex int?
This parameter only applies to video data in Windows Texture format. It represents an index of an ID3D11Texture2D texture object used by the video frame in the ID3D11Texture2D array.
timestamp int?
Timestamp (ms) of the incoming video frame. An incorrect timestamp results in frame loss or unsynchronized audio and video.
type VideoBufferType?
The video type. See VideoBufferType.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.