hashValue function

BinaryBlob hashValue(
  1. dynamic value


BinaryBlob hashValue(dynamic value) {
  if (value is String) {
    return hashString(value);
  } else if (value is num) {
    return hash(lebEncode(value));
  } else if (value is Uint8List) {
    return hash(value);
  } else if (value is Uint8Buffer) {
    return hash(Uint8List.fromList(value));
  } else if (value is List && (value is! Uint8List)) {
    final vals = value.map(hashValue).toList();
    return hash(concat(vals));
  } else if (value is Principal) {
    return hash(value.toUint8Array());
  } else if (value is Map && (value as ToHashable).toHash is Function) {
    return hashValue((value as ToHashable).toHash());
    // ignore: todo
    // TODO This should be move to a specific async method as the webauthn flow required
    // the flow to be synchronous to ensure Safari touch id works.
    // } else if (value instanceof Promise) {
    //   return value.then(x => hashValue(x));
  } else if (value is BigInt) {
    // Do this check much later than the other bigint check because this one is much less
    // type-safe.
    // So we want to try all the high-assurance type guards before this 'probable' one.
    return hash(lebEncode(value));
  } else if (value is Expiry) {
    return hashValue(value.toHash());
  } else if (value is ByteBuffer) {
    return hashValue(value.asUint8List());
  throw 'Attempt to hash a value of unsupported type: $value';