agar:with agar you can use if.
- agar:
- you can use agar(dynamic firstValue,String operator,dynamic secondValue) and it return true or false *agarWidget:
- you can use agarWidget(dynamic firstValue,String operator,dynamic secondValue,Widget trueWidget,Widget falseWidget), and it return falseWidget or trueWidget *agarVoid:
- you can use agarVoid(firstValue, operator, secondValue, () { }, () { }) and it call a function
first of all use import 'package:agar/agar.dart'; after that you can use agar or agarWidget
example 1 :
- print(agar(15,'>=',15).toString());
- it return true
- and you can use '=' , '!=' , '<=' , '>=' , '<' , '>' operator
example 2 :
- agarWidget('kawa', '=', 'kawa', Text('it is true'), Text('it is false')),
- it return a text widget which has 'it is true' value
- and you can use '=' , '!=' , '<=' , '>=' , '<' , '>' operator