decryptFile method
Decrypts srcFilePath
file to destFilePath
file asynchronously.
If the argument destFilePath
is not specified, decrypted file name is created
by removing '.aes' file extension from srcFilePath
If it has no '.aes' extension, then decrypted file name is created by adding
'.decrypted' file extension to srcFilePath
If decrypted file exists, the behaviour depends on AesCryptOwMode.
Returns Future<String> that completes with the path to decrypted file once the entire operation has completed.
Future<String> decryptFile(String srcFilePath,
[String destFilePath = '']) async {
srcFilePath = srcFilePath.trim();
destFilePath = destFilePath.trim();
AesCryptArgumentError.checkNullOrEmpty(_password, 'Empty password.');
srcFilePath, 'Empty source file path.');
if (srcFilePath == destFilePath) {
throw AesCryptArgumentError(
'Source file path and decrypted file path are the same.');
return await _Cryptor.init(_passBytes, _owMode, _userdata)
.decryptFile(srcFilePath, destFilePath);