setUserData method

void setUserData({
  1. String createdBy = 'Dart aes_crypt library',
  2. String createdOn = '',
  3. String createdAt = '',

Sets standard extension tags used in the AES Crypt file format.

Extension tags available:

createdBy is a developer-defined text string that identifies the software product, manufacturer, or other useful information (such as software version).

createdOn indicates the date that the file was created. The format of the date string is YYYY-MM-DD.

createdAt indicates the time that the file was created. The format of the date string is in 24-hour format like HH:MM:SS (e.g, 21:15:04). The time zone is UTC.


void setUserData(
    {String createdBy = 'Dart aes_crypt library',
    String createdOn = '',
    String createdAt = ''}) {
  String key;
  _userdata = {};
  if (createdBy.isNotEmpty) {
    key = 'CREATED_BY';
    _userdata![key] = createdBy.toUtf8Bytes();
    if (key.length + _userdata![key]!.length + 1 > 255) {
      throw AesCryptArgumentError(
          'User data \'$key\' is too long. Total length should not exceed 255 bytes.');
  if (createdOn.isNotEmpty) {
    key = 'CREATED_DATE';
    _userdata![key] = createdOn.toUtf8Bytes();
    if (key.length + _userdata![key]!.length + 1 > 255) {
      throw AesCryptArgumentError(
          'User data \'$key\' is too long. Total length should not exceed 255 bytes.');
  if (createdAt.isNotEmpty) {
    key = 'CREATED_TIME';
    _userdata![key] = createdAt.toUtf8Bytes();
    if (key.length + _userdata![key]!.length + 1 > 255) {
      throw AesCryptArgumentError(
          'User data \'$key\' is too long. Total length should not exceed 255 bytes.');