decryptTextFromFileSync method

String decryptTextFromFileSync(
  1. String srcFilePath, {
  2. bool utf16 = false,
  3. Endian endian = Endian.big,

Decrypts a plain text from srcFilePath file synchronously.

If BOM (Byte Order Mark) is present in decrypted data, interprets the data in accordance with BOM. Otherwise the interpretation will depend on utf16 and endian arguments.

If the argument utf16 is set to true, decrypted data will be interpreted as a list of UTF-16 bytes. Endianness depends on endian argument. Otherwise the data will be interpreted as a list of UTF-8 bytes.

Returns String object containing decrypted text.


String decryptTextFromFileSync(String srcFilePath,
    {bool utf16 = false, Endian endian = Endian.big}) {
  Uint8List decData = decryptDataFromFileSync(srcFilePath);
  String srcString;
  if ((decData[0] == 0xFE && decData[1] == 0xFF) ||
      (decData[0] == 0xFF && decData[1] == 0xFE)) {
    srcString = decData.toUtf16String();
  } else if (decData[0] == 0xEF && decData[1] == 0xBB && decData[2] == 0xBF) {
    srcString = decData.toUtf8String();
  } else {
    srcString =
        utf16 ? decData.toUtf16String(endian) : decData.toUtf8String();
  return srcString;