PolygonArgs constructor

const PolygonArgs({
  1. required List<Coord> coords,
  2. List<num>? radii,
  3. num radius = kDefaultRadius,
  4. Size? size,
  5. bool useInCircle = false,

Provide either a single value radius or a list of values for each corner radii.

Here default value of radius is kDefaultRadius.

Here if length of radii is less then the length of coords, then the list will be repeated.

When radii is provided, it will be preferred over radius.

Here provide the size of the container inside which the polygon will be. Note: You don't need to provide this, in-case of using this inside PolygonPainter.

Set useInCircle to true, to get in-circles for corners.


const PolygonArgs({
  required this.coords,
  this.radius = kDefaultRadius,
  this.useInCircle = false,