putFileStream method
- String url,
- Stream<
List< source, {int> > - String? key,
- String? eTag,
- Duration maxAge = const Duration(days: 30),
- String fileExtension = 'file',
Put a byte stream in the cache. When using an existing file you can use
file.openRead(). It is recommended to specify the eTag
and the
. When maxAge
is passed and the eTag is not set the file will
always be downloaded again. The fileExtension
should be without a dot,
for example "jpg". When cache info is available for the url that path
is re-used.
The returned File
is saved on disk.
Future<File> putFileStream(
String url,
Stream<List<int>> source, {
String? key,
String? eTag,
Duration maxAge = const Duration(days: 30),
String fileExtension = 'file',
}) async {
key ??= url;
var cacheObject = await _store.retrieveCacheData(key);
cacheObject ??= CacheObject(url,
key: key,
relativePath: '${const Uuid().v1()}'
validTill: DateTime.now().add(maxAge));
cacheObject = cacheObject.copyWith(
validTill: DateTime.now().add(maxAge),
eTag: eTag,
final file = await _config.fileSystem.createFile(cacheObject.relativePath);
// Always copy file
final sink = file.openWrite();
await source
// this map is need to map UInt8List to List<int>
.map((event) => event)
return file;