AdsPostX offers a Flutter plugin designed to help you integrate AdsPostX into your Flutter mobile application within minutes and start generating more revenue and increasing sales.
Integration Guide
please visit
to get all details about integrating adspostx_flutter plugin into your Flutter app.
To init AdsPostX.
- sdkId - should be valid SDK ID.
Future<void> init(String sdkId, BuildContext context) async {
bool status = false;
// show some loading indicator...
try {
status = await _adspostxPlugin.init(sdkId);
// hide loading indicator, if status = true, mean we are ready to load offers now.
} on PlatformException catch (error) {
// hide loading indicator, and handle error gracefully.
To Load Offers.
- if you don't want to pass any attributes then pass it as '{}'.
- example of non-empty attribute: {"name": "dev", "country": "usa"}
Future<void> loadOffers(Map attributes, BuildContext context) async {
bool status = false;
// show loading indicator..
// in case of no attribute needed, pass {}.
try {
status = await _adspostxPlugin.loadOffers(attributes);
// hide loading indicator, if status = true, mean we are ready to show offers now.
} on PlatformException catch (error) {
// hide loading indicator, and handle error gracefully.
To Show Offers.
- presentationStyle = 0 - pop up
- presentationStyle = 1 - full screen
- value of topMargin, rightMargin, bottomMargin, leftMargin should be between 0 to 15.
Future<void> showOffers(int presentationStyle, bool isTransparent,
int topMargin, int rightMargin, int bottomMargin, int leftMargin) async {
bool status = false;
try {
status = await _adspostxPlugin.showOffers(
leftMargin, (dismissStatus) {
log("Offer dismiss status is: $dismissStatus");
log("show offers status: $status");
} on PlatformException catch (error) {
// utility.showAlert(error.message as String);
To Set Environment
- environment = 0 - for LIVE
- environment = 1 - for TEST
Future<void> setEnvironment(int environment) async {
// environment must be either 0 or 1. 0 - live environment, 1 - test environment.
bool status = false;
try {
status = await _adspostxPlugin.setEnvironment(environment);
log("setEnvironment status: $status");
} on PlatformException catch (error) {
log(error.message as String);
To Enable DebugLog
Future<void> enableDebugLog(bool shouldEnable) async {
bool status = false;
try {
status = await _adspostxPlugin.enableDebugLog(shouldEnable);
log("enableDebugLog status: $status");
} on PlatformException catch (error) {
log(error.message as String);