showOffers method
- int presentationStyle,
- bool isTransparent,
- int topMargin,
- int rightMargin,
- int bottomMargin,
- int leftMargin,
- dynamic callback(),
ShowOffers with specified configurations. presentationStyle must be either '0' or '1'. 0 - pop up style, 1 - full screen size. isTransparent must be either 'true' or 'false' indicates if offer background should be transparent or not. topMagin must be of int type and value from 0 to 15. it indicates top margin offset in percentage. rightMagin must be of int type and value from 0 to 15. it indicates right margin offset in percentage. bottomMargin must be of int type and value from 0 to 15. it indicates bottom margin offset in percentage. leftMargin must be of int type and value from 0 to 15. it indicates left margin offset in percentage. Returns a bool indicating that if showOffers call is successful or not. In case of error it can also throw exceptions.
Future<bool> showOffers(
int presentationStyle,
bool isTransparent,
int topMargin,
int rightMargin,
int bottomMargin,
int leftMargin,
Function(bool) callback) async {
try {
final statusMessage = await methodChannel.invokeMethod("showOffers", {
"presentationStyle": presentationStyle,
"isTransparent": isTransparent,
"topMargin": topMargin,
"rightMargin": rightMargin,
"bottomMargin": bottomMargin,
"leftMargin": leftMargin
methodChannel.setMethodCallHandler((call) async {
if (call.method == 'onDismiss') {
// Handle method call
return statusMessage;
} on PlatformException catch (error) {
log(error.message as String);