adrop_ads_flutter library
- Adrop
- AdropBanner
- AdropBannerController
- Banner controller class responsible for requesting banner ads.
- AdropBannerListener
- Listener called when there is a change in the AdropBannerView.
- AdropBannerView
- AdropInterstitialAd
- AdropInterstitialAd class responsible for requesting interstitial ads and displaying them to the user.
- AdropInterstitialListener
- A listener called when load or show is called in the AdropInterstitialAd.
- AdropMetrics
- An interface for observing the behavior of a Navigator to measure the frequency of ad impressions.
- AdropPopupAd
- AdropPopupAd class responsible for requesting popup ads and displaying them to the user.
- AdropPopupListener
- A listener called when load or show is called in the AdropPopupAd.
- AdropRewardedAd
- AdropRewardedAd class responsible for requesting rewarded ads and displaying them to the user.
- AdropRewardedListener
- A listener called when load or show is called in the AdropRewardedAd.
- AdropErrorCode
- AdropGender
- Values for gender
- AdropProperties
- Keys for Adrop properties
- AdropAdCallback = void Function(AdropAd ad)
- AdropAdErrorCallback = void Function(AdropAd ad, AdropErrorCode errorCode)
- AdropAdEventCallback = void Function(String unitId, String? creativeId)
- AdropAdFailedCallback = void Function(String unitId, AdropErrorCode errorCode)
- AdropAdRewardEventCallback = void Function(AdropAd ad, int type, int amount)
- AdropBannerCreatedCallback = void Function(AdropBannerController controller)
- AdropValue = String
- Type of Adrop value