createInterstitialAd method

Future<void> createInterstitialAd(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. bool load = true,
  3. int maxLoadAttempts = 5,
  4. int attemptDelayFactorMs = 500,
  5. String? adId,

<------------------------ Load Interstitial Ad with Exponential Backoff ------------------------>


Future<void> createInterstitialAd(
  BuildContext context, {
  bool load = true,
  int maxLoadAttempts = 5,
  int attemptDelayFactorMs = 500,
  String? adId,
}) async {
  final instance = AdmobEasy.instance;
  final initAdID = adId ?? instance.initAdID;
  if (!instance.isConnected.value || !load || initAdID.isEmpty) {
    AdmobEasyLogger.error('Interstitial ad cannot load');

  // Dispose existing ad if present to prevent memory leaks
  if (interstitialAd != null) {
    interstitialAd = null;

  await InterstitialAd.load(
    adUnitId: initAdID,
    request: const AdRequest(),
    adLoadCallback: InterstitialAdLoadCallback(
      onAdLoaded: (InterstitialAd ad) {
        AdmobEasyLogger.success('$ad loaded');
        interstitialAd = ad;
        _numInterstitialLoadAttempts = 0;
        interstitialAd!.setImmersiveMode(true); // Enable immersive mode
      onAdFailedToLoad: (LoadAdError error) async {
        AdmobEasyLogger.error('InterstitialAd failed to load: $error');
        _numInterstitialLoadAttempts += 1;
        interstitialAd = null;

        // Retry with exponential backoff if attempts are less than maxLoadAttempts
        if (_numInterstitialLoadAttempts < maxLoadAttempts) {
          int delayMs = attemptDelayFactorMs * _numInterstitialLoadAttempts;
          await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: delayMs));
          if (!context.mounted) return;
            load: true,
            maxLoadAttempts: maxLoadAttempts,
            attemptDelayFactorMs: attemptDelayFactorMs,
            adId: adId,
        } else {
          _numInterstitialLoadAttempts = 0; // Reset after max attempts