messages property
static final Map<String, String> messages = {
'OK':"Successful operation",
'SUCCESS':"Transaction is successfully processed",
"OPERATION_ERROR":"An error has occurred",
"NOT_FOUND":"Not found",
'BAD_REQUEST' : 'Your request is missing some headers or parameters',
'INVALID_CREDENTIALS':'The requested service needs credentials, but the ones provided were invalid.',
'INVALID_PARAMS':"Params you provides are invalid",
'EXPIRED_TOKEN':"Token has expired",
'INVALID_TOKEN':"Token is invalid",
'TRANSACTION_EXIST':'The transaction already exists',
'INITIATED':"Waiting for user entry",
'PENDING':'User have started payment',
'EXPIRED':'User has not confirmed the payment',
'OTP_ERROR':'Otp user provided is incorrect',
'OTP_EXPIRED':'Otp user provided has expired',
'INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE':'User has not enough balance to validate operation',
'USER_NOT_FOUND':'User does not exist',
'USER_IS_BLOCKED':'User has been blocked',
'FAILED':'Payment has failed',
'NOT_ALLOWED':'This Ip is not whitelisted',
'CANCELLED' : 'User have cancelled payment',
'UNIMPLEMENTED' : 'Unimplemented'