allOptionsIf<TOptionType, TOutput> function

TOutput allOptionsIf<TOptionType, TOutput>(
  1. TOptionType selectedOption,
  2. Map<TOptionType, TOutput Function()> branches, [
  3. Map<List<TOptionType>, TOutput Function()>? branchesSameResult,
  4. TOutput? defaultValue = null,


TOutput allOptionsIf<TOptionType, TOutput>(
  TOptionType selectedOption,
  Map<TOptionType, TOutput Function()> branches, [
  Map<List<TOptionType>, TOutput Function()>? branchesSameResult,
  TOutput? defaultValue = null,
]) {
//I was hoping to check all the options but this is impossible
//  without reflection or explicitly passing in all the options.
//I could do this if it was an enum, a string, an int etc
//  it would be very costly so I should only do it in dev (use assert)
//I could pass in a list of values but this would be silly because
//  it would be a manual process and I'm trying to stop manual processes!

  var branchesAll = Map<TOptionType, TOutput Function()?>();

  if (branchesSameResult != null) {
    var keys = branchesSameResult.keys.toList();
    var result1 = keys.expand((x) => x).toList();
    result1.forEach((x) => branchesAll[x] = branchesSameResult[ //
        branchesSameResult.keys.firstWhere((z) => z.any((y) => y == x))]);


  if (!branchesAll.keys.any((x) => x == selectedOption)) {
    if (defaultValue == null) {
      throw Exception( //
          "option in allOptionsIf not found:" + selectedOption.toString());
    } else {
      return defaultValue;

  var fn = branchesAll[selectedOption]!;

  return fn();