toHumanReadableTimeCount static method

String toHumanReadableTimeCount(
  1. int timeMillis

@param timeMillis the amount of time to convert in milliseconds @param decimals amount of decimals after float point when showing days, weeks, months and years @return


static String toHumanReadableTimeCount(int timeMillis) {
  late String humanReadable = Duration(milliseconds: timeMillis).toString();
  try {
    humanReadable = humanReadable.split('.')[0];
  } catch (e) {
  return humanReadable;

//    int integer;
//    double time = timeMillis?.toDouble();
//    if(time < TimeUtils.minute) {
//      return Intl.NumberFormat("00:00:#00", "en_US").format(time / TimeUtils.second);
//    }
//    if(time < TimeUtils.hour) {
//      int mins = (time / TimeUtils.minute).truncate();
//      int seconds = (time % TimeUtils.minute).truncate();
//      return "00:"
//          "${Intl.NumberFormat("#00", "en_US").format(mins)}:"
//          "${Intl.NumberFormat("#00", "en_US").format(seconds)}";
//    }
//    if(time < {
//      int hours = (time / TimeUtils.hour).truncate();
//      int mins = ((time / TimeUtils.minute) % TimeUtils.minute).truncate();
//      int seconds = (time % TimeUtils.minute).truncate();
//      return "${Intl.NumberFormat("#00", "en_US").format(hours)}:"
//          "${Intl.NumberFormat("#00", "en_US").format(mins)}:"
//          "${Intl.NumberFormat("#00", "en_US").format(seconds)}";
//    }
//    if(time < TimeUtils.week) {
//      int days = (time / TimeUtils.hour).truncate();
//      int mins = ((time / TimeUtils.minute) % TimeUtils.minute).truncate();
//      int seconds = (time % TimeUtils.minute).truncate();
//      return "${Intl.NumberFormat("#0.00", "en_US").format(hours)}";
//    }
//    return "$time d";