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Addresses internationalization library. Format various physical addresses in various languages and build localized address forms.


Formatting address to display

Given you have some address:

final address = Address(
  fullName: 'Nicole Martin',
  addressLine1: '123 Sherbrooke St',
  city: 'Montreal',
  zone: 'QC',
  postalCode: 'H3G 2A6',
  country: 'CA',

You can format it to your desired format:

final englishFormatter = AddressFormatter('en');

// [
//   '123 SHERBROOKE ST',
//   'MONTREAL QC  H3G 2A6',
//   'CANADA'
// ]

final frenchFormatter = AddressFormatter('fr');

// [
//   'Nicole Martin',
//   '123 Sherbrooke St',
//   'Montreal (Québec)  H2G 2A6',
//   'CANADA'
// ]

Address form layout

You can also get localized format of an address form with all obligatory and optional fields along with their labels and descriptions.

final addressFormatter = AddressFormatter('en');
final formFormat = addressFormatter.formatForm('US');

// formFormat = [
//   // other fields: full name, addressLine1, addressLine2, city
//   AddressFormFieldInformation(
//     label: 'State',
//     obligatory: true,
//     availableValues: {
//       // (...)
//       'TX': 'Texas',
//       // (...)
//     },
//   ),
//   // other fields: zip code
// ]

You can use this information to build e.g. a Flutter form. You can see how to do this by looking into the example.

