adcioCreateSuggestion function
ADCIO suggest placement service.
is required.
You enter the registered placementId
on the ADCIO Admin Page.
example code:
placementId: '9f9f9b00-dc16-41c7-a5cd-f9a788d3d481',
).then((value) {
rawData = value;
setState(() {});
Additionally, if there are user details such as customerId (similar to userId), age, gender, and information related to the space like area, as well as placementPosition, the accuracy of recommendation predictions can be further enhanced.
Future<AdcioSuggestionRawData> adcioCreateSuggestion({
required String placementId,
String? baseUrl,
int? birthYear,
String? area,
String? customerId,
String? gender,
Offset? placementPosition,
ApiClient? apiClient,
String? deviceId,
String? sessionId,
}) async {
final client = apiClient ?? ApiClient(baseUrl: baseUrl);
return client.suggestion(
sessionId: sessionId ?? SessionIdentifier().loadId(),
deviceId: deviceId ?? await DeviceIdentifier().loadId(),
placementId: placementId,
fromAgent: false,
birthYear: birthYear,
area: area,
customerId: customerId,
gender: convertGender(gender)?.name,
placementPositionX: placementPosition?.dx.toInt(),
placementPositionY: placementPosition?.dy.toInt(),