
A simple helper class to help you creating Adaptive UI easily.

NOTE: This will work well if you have any sort of design file. like - XD, PSD, Figma, AI, Sketch etc because you can get the design height and width from the file. Because this package depends on the actual design size.


  • Adaptive Font size
  • Adaptive Height
  • Adaptive Width

Helper available

All accepts dynamic as a parameter but you will always provide int or double


  • .sp
  • .h
  • .w


  • sp()
  • w()
  • h()


How to use

  • Install the dependency
flutter pub add adaptive_ui

Then in your constants file add two contstants as screenWidth and screenHeight and set the value as per design size, Or you can use these value directly in every page you want to make adaptive.*

* Design size the size of the design which is in XD, PSD or any file, provided by the Designer.

In your UI/Page

For example home_page.dart

import "package:adaptive_ui/adaptive_ui.dart";

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // Initialize the adaptive UI helper class
      context: context,
      height: 812, // Design Height
      width: 375, // Design Width

    return Scaffold(
      body: SafeArea(
        child: SingleChildScrollView(
          child: Container(
            width: double.infinity,
            child: Text("Adaptive UI is Awesome!"),

Now to use this

For fonts/texts

    "Some text",
    style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16.sp), // .sp extension method

You also can use methods intead extension

    "Some text",
    style: TextStyle(fontSize: sp(16)), // sp() helper method

For Height/Width

    height: 200.h, // .h extension method
    width: 200.w, // .w extension method

Same for the height/width you can use methods as well.

    height: h(200), // h() helper method
    width: w(200), // w() helper method

More details...