awaitImages method

Future<void> awaitImages()

Pauses test until images are ready to be rendered.


Future<void> awaitImages() async {
  await runAsync(() async {
    for (final element in find.byType(Image).evaluate().toList()) {
      final widget = element.widget as Image;
      final image = widget.image;
      await precacheImage(image, element);
      await pumpAndSettle();

    for (final element in find.byType(DecoratedBox).evaluate().toList()) {
      final widget = element.widget as DecoratedBox;
      final decoration = widget.decoration;
      if (decoration is BoxDecoration) {
        final image = decoration.image?.image;
        if (image != null) {
          await precacheImage(image, element);
          await pumpAndSettle();