expectGolden<T> method

  1. @isTest
Future<void> expectGolden<T>(
  1. WindowConfigData windowConfig, {
  2. String? suffix,
  3. Key? byKey,
  4. bool waitForImages = true,

Visual regression test for a given WindowConfigData.


Future<void> expectGolden<T>(
  WindowConfigData windowConfig, {
  String? suffix,
      byKey, // Sometimes we want to find the widget by its unique key in the case they are multiple of the same type.
  bool waitForImages = true,
}) async {
  final enforcedTestPlatform =
  if (enforcedTestPlatform != null &&
      !enforcedTestPlatform.isRuntimePlatform) {
    throw ('Runtime platform ${Platform.operatingSystem} is not ${enforcedTestPlatform.name}');

  final localSuffix = suffix != null ? "_${ReCase(suffix).snakeCase}" : '';

  final name = ReCase('$T');
  if (waitForImages) {
    await awaitImages();
  await expectLater(
    // Find by its type except if the widget's unique key was given.
    byKey != null ? find.byKey(byKey) : find.byType(AdaptiveWrapper),